Thursday, January 14, 2010

Weh.. Dah 2010

Haaha... Last i wrote here was on the last day of 2009. And now, it's already the 14th day of 2010? Rase cam lame sangat dah tidur... Another 2 days, it's officially 3 months of being someone's wifey.. Hehe... Rase cam gedik-gedik tu ade lagi la.. hek hek hek..

Huhu, yesterday.. Ted texted me "Hari ni nak masak aper?" I was at training explained the reason why we texted each other. (hahaha... err.. even kalau kat opis pun we rather texted or call.. unless kalau malas.. kikiki...)

So, i replied "U nak makan aper? Ayam ade, udang ade. Kalo tak pon i masak pasta jela.."
(dengan harapan, Ted agreed with Pasta, and save my energy.. ;P)
To which he replied "Nasik lah.. U kan Rice Cooker i... Koookooorooo.. Huhu"
Hehe... Chait! (Sape tgk citer korea Full House tu get the rice cooker)..
Okie.. Sekian.. Smbung lagi lenkali... nak gi makan sat... ;p


Unknown said...

kah kah.. aku tahu itu rice cooker!! blueeekkk

groovy ally said...

huhuu... tulah... kejam kan.. haahaha... ;p

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