Ted is one spontaneous guy. This was the second ad hoc vacation for us. Heee... There was another ad-hoc (like super ad hoc) vacation last year when lil baby still in my womb. We decided at 3.45pm and by 4pm we're on our way to the North ~ Penang Island. Haha.. But, that's another entry.. This time, I'll skip the first vacation story first and while still fresh try to memorising our second adhoc vacation to the South ~ Singapore.
Out of the blue, 2 weeks before CNY, Ted asked me to choose one of 3 places to go: Singapore (CNY holiday) or Bali or Perth (April). We've been to Bali on our honeymoon ~ kire cam revisit la ni with baby.. huhu.. And we actually planned to go to Perth last year but tabung holiday tak cukup lagi time tu.. hehe.. Discuss, discuss.. A week before CNY we sepakat to go to Singapore on Chinese New Year holiday so that we could save some budget for our Oct's vacation (hihi.. tak sabar nak jumpe Granmama Eliz)..
So, dlm seminggu tu booking USS ticket, survey hotel, survey transportation-related matters, buat baby's pspot / renew pasport hubby, decide to sleepover @ JB or S'pore. Ehehe.. experience.. klakar sungguh.. On the very last minute decision also, we stayed at Singapore's Geylang Hotel 81. Oklah, for the price we paid, cheap hotel with customised toilettries & dun forget -- plasma tv. hehe.. (Tapi, near our hotel tu ade hookers tgh buat urus niage. aduhh spoiled nak jadi backpacker's style tourist.. End up, pegi USS je naik MRT. The rest we travelled by car with GPS. Hehe.)
Monday @ 31st Jan, we started our journey at 9.30am. Hujan renyai since the previous night, so we just stopped at Shell Sg Besi for some meals for breakfast and straight away went to JB.. Singgah kat R&R pun just for the loo and tukar driver.. Sampai kat JB around 1.30pm, pegi carik CC print confirmation slip booking hotel and terus masuk ke Second Link Causeway to Singapore. Around 5pm we arrived & check-in at our hotel.
Seriously sepanjang nak masuk Singapore tu, kitorang punyelah rase cuak cam nak masuk negare penjajah ke negare komunis.. haha.. Pardon us for being there for the first time. Yelah, Singapore kan 'Fine' City kan.. hehehe.. Habeh bace semua signboard yang ade.. Tapi mmg salute Singapore.. CCTVs were everywhere, and ade satu lubang kat jalan nak masuk ke hotel, the next day kitorang lalu dah tampal dah! Very efficient!! And the drivers pun berhemah.. orang lintas jalan kaki, kereta berhenti (kalau kat sini.. even lampu merah pun penjalan kaki yang kene berhenti..)
That nite, after resting for a while we went to the Mustafa Centra at Little India. I thought MC is something like night market, given that orang cakap kat sini sumer barang murah especially perfume.. Huhu.. I was wrong, it was something like Mydin, only biggger and opened 24hours. huhu.. We made a mistake though going there at the first nite.. Rabak dlm SD290 memborong especially souvenirs hehehe.. last2 keluar MC ade kedai souvenir SD10 3 items. haha. takpe.. at least dah settle belikan souvenir untuk semua. Singgah jap kat kedai mamak depan MC ~ Pratha Telur & Teh Ais yang sangat sedap.. (hehe.. Lain drpd roti telur kat Msia lah.. so, starting then, i just eat pratha telur n teh ais.)
Ok, on a different note:: Ade sorang cashier melayu (guy) S'pore kat Mustafa Centre sgt esksyen (READ: Poyo) ok. Masa nak pegi bayar kat cashier, tetibe dah la tak senyum kat kitorang langsung.. pastu speaking English, dengan muke kerek tengok tag "U're sure you dun wanna change any of this right?" Aku buat muke kerek"No, why?" Pastu die membebel ntah ape tah (can't hear him really well, since die speaking like slurringg.. tau tak mcm cakap tak bukak mulut?) Sekali, die tengah2 punch barang, member die sebelah (an indian lady) cakap dengan die in Bahasa.. Member muke dah kelat2 tapi tetap maintain eksyen, reply in English you all! ahaha.. Ntahla, i dun get it, why u need to be eksyen with us? just because we spoke in malay, pakai t-shirt with sliper jepun and muke Malaysian. Weh, negara kitorang pun dah merdeka la.. heheh, emo ;p
The next day, we went to Sentosa Island...
We parked our car at Kallang MRT Station, and took the MRT to Harbour Front before rode on the bus to Sentosa Island. Before that, breakfast dulu kat Imam Banana Leaf Restaurant nearby. Hummm.. Sedap! The Pratha Telur + Teh Ais. Hehe..
We had a new experience naik MRT with an infant. Luckily the MRT memang selesa and frequent. But, make sure all our belongings are safely packed and your baby is on the baby carrier (yg pakai kat dada). If I’m not mistaken, journey from Kallang Station to Harbour Front is only about 30mins..

After cam whoring kat depan globe & all the possible places, we went to the Guest Service counter to redeem our tickets. Masuk je dalam, Nampak Mr. Frankenstein (the ghost) ambil gambar dengan dia, ade mademoiselle with purple gown. Hehe ;D Tengok2 ada Monster Rock Show @ 12something. So, we went to the show first. The show ok-lah, tak best sgt. Terus Ted takmau tengok other stage show lagi.. bluek ;P

So, our activities for the day are photo hunting & riding the ride.Ted naik ride banyak jugak lah, mainan kaler kuning pusing2 dekat yang Sci-fi City, The Rapidz Adventure @ Jurassic Park, then The Mummy Return @ Egypt, The Airways @ Far Far Away.
I just rode on the Canopy Ride @ Jurassic Park. Hehe, ntah sbb takut kena naik sorang2 (obviously, we had to take turns sbb pergi bertiga). Hehe. Yang Galactica / Human ride (like Superman rollercoaster dekat Gold Coast) tutup masa we all lalu. So, tak dpt la rase yang itu (fuh! Lega.. ;p)
We had lunch at the restaurant @ Egypt. Sedap jugak the middle east food and it’s halal. Around 4.30pm we had finished our tour, and its time to move to the next destination. (Actually, I still wanna have another round, tapi sebab Ted dah hilangkan alarm mase naik ride, terus takde mood nak take another round) Hikhik.. Overall, Universal Studio Singapore is great & fun. Tapi tak sebesar & se-best Gold Coast’s Dream World / Movie World or Japan’s Disneyland (theme park yang I penah sampailah. Hehe). But, for the price @ SD 66 we paid, it’s worth it!

Kite balik naik cab la baby... ;P
Lepas dah keluar, we went to Hard Rock Café, membeli t-shirt (as usual). Hehe. Then, this was when Ted discovered that we lost our car alarm. May be missing mase naik The Mummy Return. Terus Hilang mood nak berjalan. Luckily, we noticed the giant Merlion mase on our way back to the basement, kalau tak tak dapatla tengok merlion & naik cable car balik ke Vivo City. Hihi.. ;p

Later that nite, around 9pm baru keluar balik jalan-jalan. Hehe. We went to the Marina Bay Sands. Sangat cantik! With all the lights and all. Hotel/Apartment yang bentuk kapal so huge & Amazing. Kat sini just took photos and relax2 nikmati angin malam. After that, we went again to Mustafa Center.. Hehe.. mentang2 bukak 24hours. Makan lagi kat kedai mamak Pratha telur & teh ais. Ted tried the rojak Singapore. Yummyy!!
Hehe.. the next day, lepas packing pergi breakfast @ Imam at Kallang MRT Station, terus gerak ke Malaysia. Hurm, sebab nak elakkan jam (Ted super hate traffic jam, so that’s why) we all keluar dalam pukul 11am. Hum… tak puas! We supposed to stay one night @ JB then, the next day baru balik KL. Tapi, since Danga Bay tengah renovation we just menghala ke arah Melaka. Wanna tried the A Famosa Resort, dah booking. Sekali, rasa dahi baby Iman demam. Alamak, tak boleh jadi. Terus lah balik ke KL.. huhu… Kesian baby. Maybe, sebab kat Singapore it was raining & redup. Sampai kat Melaka terus panas giler… Huhu…
Aquaria KLCC
Esoknya, to compensate we all kena balik awal, we went to Aquaria KLCC. Hehe… Best! Tapi ramai orang & baby end up sleeping after walking like quarter of the exhibition. Heheh…
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