Friday, September 30, 2011

Senyum jap...

Senyum sket tengok atas tu... kat blog header... it just another 1 week + 1 day to go... wuuhhuuu...
Actually.. by right it only 1 week je tak smp +1 day.. haha... sbb.. Jumaat next week.. balik kul 5pm (kena sharp) pastu gedebak gedebuk.. kul 8 nak gerak turun Keramat.. Salam2 lepak2 maybe makan2.. pastu gerak g Gombak pulak.. most prolly around 10 - 11pm... then.. tido.. kul 4 pagi bangun.. mandi2.. pastu siapkan brg2.. kul 6 gerak g LCCT.. huhu... pastu 9 lebih dah naik flight... heheh.. confirm! tido sepanjang perjalanan.. or wake up just once or twice.. & confirm jugak lil iman akan tido (hopefully!) hehe...

13 hours on the flight.. uurggghh... i can't imagine. dengan iman yang baru dpt kaki & tak takut orang... of course sibuk nk jln2 lari2 or usik orang.. huu.. adehh... xleh byg...

Hehe... but.. before that.. byk keje kena settle!!! Arggahhh.. mari gigit meja.. hehehe... tensi2..
tapi, kalau nak tangguh tatau bile nak buat.. baik settle before pergi & boleh tenang sket time pergi.. huhu.. hopefully lah.. but then, maybe jugak i'll be unreachable. haha.. kejam! kesian org kat sini.. iskk... minta2 takde paper... hehehe


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