Okie, now we continue our story. Hehe.. The last stop was at Bets-wy Coed. After that, we’re heading to Chester. My family went to Chester in 2001, without me n Abg (my eldest bro). Yeah, they didn’t love me that much :P But all because I had to resit an examination paper! Bleerrgghh.. Ish.. I was in my Alpha year. So much of freedom, and I forgot how it feel to study hard. Haha.. Then, it hit me bad! Those were the only papers I failed in my life.
Ok, sambung citer. We arrived at Chester around 6-ish. It was cold alright! Our Travelodge - Chester Central Delamere Street, in the city centre. So, it is convenient to go to the market and the town. That nite, we just stayed in door, as we were worn out due to long journey from the North Wales to Chester.
"Iman enjoying Costa's hot choc"
The next day, as usual our brekkie time was at 7.30 am – 8am. Then, we went to the Chester market and then crossed to the city centre. Chester is a small town, that we didn’t sweat just walking around the town. Hehe. That’s because it was a breezy morning. In the city centre, there were shops lined up and there is this tower clock.
"Chester City & Chester Market"

"The City Centre & Clock Tower"
Then, we went to the infamous remains of Roman Amphitheatre. Where they once had their deadly rituals and other ceremonies. You know, like the gladiator fight and stuffs. Hihi.. Then, we headed back to the city centre. Our moms already finished their shopping. Hehe.
"The Roman Amphitheatre"
We continue our journey to Birmingham, to go to the Cadbury World! Best! It was closed at 4pm, and we arrived at 3something. At first, I didn’t want to enter because it almost closing time. Oh, rupenya, it’s not the closing time at 4pm, it was the last show. So, I went in to the attraction with my family & Iman. Mamacik and Ted decided to stay outside. Huhu.. Ted, was tired doing the driving, and Mamacik didn’t feel like entering the place.
"The Entrance"
"The Cadbury World"
It was fun! Do you know why in every advertisement & Cadbury’s wrapper there are 1 full glass of milk and 1 half full glass of milk? Well, you could find it here! The Cadbury World is stated at Bourneville, where they started their business here and develop a town where all the residents were once worked with Cadbury factory. Oh! And we found a Proton factory/outlet here! J
"The Cadabra Ride"
"The Essence - Me sugar rushh!!"
After we had stuffed ourselves with chocolates, we continued our road trip to Bath. Here, we stayed at the Travelodge - Chippenham Leigh Delamere M4 Westbound. It was located at the Services (or in Msia we called R&R). And, there were actually Westbound & Eastbound. At first we went to the Eastbound due to the same coordinate given for GPS. Luckily they had inside road (jalan dalam hihi) to connect to the Westbound. Or else, we might have to find a u-turn. We stayed here for 2 nites. This was our last check point before heading to London on Sunday. J Hehe…
"The Travelodge - Bath"
It was by far the second best Travelodge we stayed. The first was in Tower Bridge, where we stayed the first nite. This Travelodge was near the Services, so we spent the nite hanging out at the Costa Café and went online. But, since there were limited power plug to charge the laptop battery, so we had to gilir2 online. Hehe..
As usual, the next morning after breakfast we went out. First we went to the famous Stonehenge~! Wahh… I love d sunny clear sky… Tapi jgn tertipu, coz it was stone cold! Hehe… Ok, for you who didn’t into history… Stonehenge is just a bunch of stones standing and forming like a building. But, we could not touch the stones. Dulu, memang boleh posing ala-ala Hindustan. After sometimes, there were bunch of idiots who stole the stones and make fortunes out of it, the UK govt decided to put a rope around the stones.
"The Stonehenge"
Haishhh… We were given a walkie-talkie-like radio where they explain about the history and there were check-point. But, we were busy taking picture, so it was only Papa who devoted to listen to the explanation and later he explain it to us… hehe… thanks Papa.. Ted, as usual didn’t entered together with the mommies. It was quite a far walking distance, so Mamas tak larat, it’s understood. Tambahan for my Mama she just not into history. Hehe.. Same goes with her menantu “Alah, takat batu.. kat mesia pun ade” :P Tsskkk… (T_T)
"The Stonehenge"
After that, we went to the Bath City. It was where they had the Roman Bath, Pump Room. Tempat orang Rome mandi suatu ketika dulu. I wanted to enter but the line was impossible. So, we just hang around. It was a nice city :)
"The Bath City"
Then, we bought fish & chips and headed back to the hotel & chilling. That nite was our 2nd anniversary. :) He belanje me a hot latte from Costa J Yeay! The pressie came much earlier… Err.. ape eak.. lupe dah.. hehe… it’s the fossil wallet. And I gave him the MU- Chicarito jersey.
The next day, was our going back to London. On the way back, we stopped by the famous Swindon Branded Outlet and The Bicester Village. I might gone crazy but thinking that we had another week in London, managed to tame me down. Hehe.. Cuma rase terkilan coz I didn’t buy that fossil bracelet & Cath Kidston. At first, I was like.. Auww look at this.. eh, nnt jln dululah manelah tau dpt jumpe yang best ker. Hehe.. last2 tak beli.. :P Huuummmm… is Ruggii..
"The Bicester Village"
"The Swindon"
Pastu we went to the Oxford City. Mulanya nak carik tempat2 they shoot for Harry Potter (one of our mission to UK last year was to go to the HP places)… tapi sbb jalan nya agak sibuk, and we didn’t have the exact place, we couldn’t find it! Huhu… So, we just went to London. Sent the family to the apartment in Maida Vale (before the transport our family to Camden Town) we went to return the car back. Huhu.. Kesian Iman. She cried all the way sbb takut dengan driver who was an Arabian and she wanted me/Ted. Huhu…
Mase sampai je kat Camden Town, our family still waiting us at the outside! Man, it was freezing and they just arrived about 30mins before sbb driver sesat. Then, they couldn’t left either of the family Sebab keadaan sgt gelap and takut anything happened while the other went inside. We had like 10 of big luggage so u just imagine… Hehe…
Ok, cukup dulu. Next entry we’ll talk about Madamme Tussaud and Big Bus Tour. :)