Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Lil Iman.. (Again..)

Ya Allah... when people tells you that kids copied whatever you did and said... Please Believe It!

Oh No! Last Sunday nite, my stomach felt uneasy, and angin satu badan (maybe the not-so-morning sickness) + i ate the jambu and ended up vomiting in the toilet. I didn't closed the door as Lil Iman is playing at the hall and worried that she might be scared been left alone... After a while (like 2 seconds, like that) i heard small foot steps.. Hehe so comel.. And of course her voice.. "Mii 'tah" (Mummy muntah) And she patiently watched me at the door...

And as i vomited (it's a lot... urrghh) i can hear a little voice vomiting as well.. macam bergema.. haha... She copied me!!! Or more like die mengejek me!! Hahaha... it's not just that... after finishing the business, cleaned myself and everything.. i found her standing near the wall.. bending over.. just like i was bending over d toilet... while repeating the sound!!! Huwaa... hehehe.. she's sooo cute!! hahaha.. Pandai ejek mummy eakkk...

Tu xmasuk lg, bila die tiru papa die batuk & amek in haler.. hehehe... isshhh.. mcm2.. I Miss Her every minutes! :) Alhamdulillah, i get the chance to watch her grow everyday... even though minus 9 hours+ in d office.. :( Nasib baik jarang kena stay back. Even if kena pun xde la smp kul 10pm.


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