Thursday, May 10, 2012

Hey There :)

Hehe... So, last Tuesday was our force leave to give way for the annual general meeting of the company. Even though it was a 'force leave' but we never complaint. hehehe.. :)

So, early in the morning, we sent Lil Iman to nursery and off we went to the clinic for the glucose test (urgghh) and monthly check up. We arrived around 8.30am, and the nurses were quite concern whether we still want to proceed with the glucose test (ape name? GTT something eak?), coz it took 2 hours to complete the test. So, at least i have to be on fasting mode until 11am. I'm ok so why not.. Hehehh..

The procedures were, first the doctor will test my blood. It's not the normal diabetes test where they punch a little needle at your finger tip. This is like you donating blood only the blood they took out were just a syringe.. heheh.. :P mmg sikit, tapi debaran tengok diorang prepare the syringe je dah jadi penat... Hehe..

After that, i had to drink a glucose drink. Nasib baik kat klinik ni sedap :) It was something like air glucose yang kite minum kat sekolah2 dulu tu.. macam tang ke ape tu perasa anggur.. hehe...

Then, as my turn to meet the doctor for my monthly check up (Yeah, i had a different doctor for my monthly check up), i just waited at the clinic. About an hour later, it was my turn. We had the bp check up as usual & come to the best part ~ the scan part.. Hehe.. Hello lil bun :) Alhamdulillah, everything is normal with my pregnancy. I was a bit concern with the space inside my womb. But, Ted & the doc convinced me that the space is enough for the bun. Yeah, Allah Maha Pencipta. Eventhough, kalau tengok kat scan tu mcm sempit, tapi sebenarnya the space is wide enough for the baby to move around. Kalau tak, kite dulu dalam perut mak kite pun confirm lemas dah kan.. Hehe :) And... We get to see the gender! InsyaAllah it was clear.. hehehe... All i can say, Lil iman will not lose her title, as the youngest princess in the family.. haha.. Coz, we're having a BOY! InsyaAllah... :D

After the check up, it was just another 20mins till my next test. We waited again at the clinic. Hey! i forgot to tell you... I was brave enough that day. I took the blood test alone without Ted or anyone else (except the doc n nurse of course).. Hehe.. And it didn't hurt! Doc tu mmg pandai amek darah.. Alhamdulillah, Ya Allah :) u know me and needle were never a best friend.. hehe.. So, settle. The result will be out in short time but if there's no problem they will only inform me on my next check up. InsyaAllah..

So, later we went for a date :) Hehe.. Luv u Ted Hubs :)

Oh... this weekend i'll be away from Friday to Sunday. Without lil Iman & Ted. (T_T)
I tried to persuade him to come along, coz to be true, i still not confident enough to leave my lil Iman for 3 days with anybody else. Huhu.. Yeah, that's separation anxiety for mummy.. Kene practice jugak, sbb nnt dlm pantang lil Iman will sleep with Ted @ Uk Pdane for 4 days & only 3 days at Gombak. Huuuu..
Will miss you Lil Iman :(

 Shhleeping :)


 Shhleeping again.. :)

 Drama Queen... 

Mcm2 (T_T)' 


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