I never thought i have a friend by d name of 'Jack Sparrow' =D Sebbaik die tak buh name Captain Jack Sparrow.. ;P
Mungkin aku dulu seorang lanun.. And i get the chance to know him but i forget.. Pardon me i'm not perfect.
Anyways, Whoever u are.. thanks for the thought buddy.
Thanks for your pray, and thou shall not be worry about me..
In case u are reading this... =D
Monday, September 28, 2009
Rakanku seorang Lanun..
Posted by groovy ally at Monday, September 28, 2009 4 comments
Labels: +sharona words+
Friday, September 25, 2009
Ahli Mesyuarat Tingkap
~22 days to go... *muka pucat, mate bulat~nerves*
Huhu.. Last Monday we all had came back to KL.. Balik malam tu.. pehh! baru kat Simpang Ampat dah jem. Adeh.. time tu tgk jam dah kul 9pm. Mau sampai umah 3 pagi ni. Sbb abang balik earlier around 1pm tadi, sampai Btg Kali kul 8pm. Huhu, rupanya pakcik Polis sedang berkhidmat kawal lalu lintas before masuk ke Tol Simpang Ampat. Fuhh lega sbb lpas Tol dah smooth dah jalan. Kami siap buat 'peace' lagi kat pakcik tu, sebagai tanda penghargaan kami. \(^_^)/
En Ted raye kat KL~sensorang hari Selase tu~ pasal family sume dah balik kampung.
Kul 9am Ted called. Wa tak angkat, jadi anak harapan bangsa gotong royong kemas umah (auww~). Bila call balik, rupenya nak tanye kedai kat gombak mane yang bukak.. hihihi.. Cian kena tinggal sorang eak..
"U, datang raye umah malam la.. sbb kitorang nak kuar gi ikea jap, beli brg"
"Oo, sape yang pegi?"
"Mama, angah, nini, ajim kiv.. Nape?"
"Nak ikut.Bosan duk umah"
Ngeh ngeh ngeh.. jadi bermula sessi membuli rakan sebaya. (kira even la, wa dah slalu kena, and mase gi KLCC itu ari ngan the twins)
Hehe, ;P Just more to (not-so) icebreaking session la kot. Before this, Ted slalu sembang ngan mama & papa jer. So, around 12.45pm he came and off we go to ikea. Sampai ikea beli2 barang sket (huhu! best. bile ade org2 lain, kurang sket 'rejection' dr Ted ;p) Then, we all went to The Curve. Isi tank ;p.. We went to Bubbagump Shrimp, Market & Restaurant.. Yummers! Saje rase macam dlm citer Forrest Gump tu.. hiks..
Siap ade menu atas Ping Pong bat
'Run Forrest Run' ~ Sessi memilih Menu.. I was drooling over so many shrimp menus.. haha.. Iyem a seafud lover!
Okay! We'd all decided. Hail ya, Ay Ay captain! Stop Forest Stop!
Hehe.. While waiting for the food to come. We chit chat, interview Ted a bit, and snapped some pics. Hehe..
Above: Ted malu2 tucin - Ajim with his PSP (as usual, duh! ;P)
Below: Nini - Angah & Mama chosing the menu.
Takde keje.. meja pun wa nak amek gambar.. ;P

Hehe.. Ms Groovy yang ketembaman kerana Raya (alasan!)
Angah & Ajim had the BBQ Beef Back Rib
Angah's Frozen Blue Lemon-Up ~ 2 thumbs up! brainfreezing!!
Mama having her steak.. hrrruumm.. sedap!
Hehe.. Last skali... Jeng2.. kite kasi intai sikit itu En Ted. ;P
nampak tak muke die? ;P
Posted by groovy ally at Friday, September 25, 2009 6 comments
Labels: +Groovy Familia+, +TED Tales+
Thursday, September 24, 2009
S.p.e.c.i.a.l P.r.o.j.e.c.t
Am in d middle of special project...
tapi bukan project bawah ni la.. project lain.. been cracking my-increative-head.. ehe.. hasilnya nnti la kalau ade hati wa letak la kat sini.. =)
Yang ni dah alang2 selongkar gambar2 lama.. tu yng sesaje gegatal buat benda alah nih.. hehe...
rupe2nye.. aku kekecik dulu suke main bakul... chis.. hahaa..
upper right tu.. ngan angah kitorang masuk dalam kot papa kat uk.. haha...
Nanti wa update lagi eak....
Posted by groovy ally at Thursday, September 24, 2009 2 comments
Labels: +Groovy Familia+, +Groovy World+
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Suratan yang Kebetulan
Remember this post~ Anjakan Paradigma?
It was written on 17th September 2009..
Remember i wrote this statement:
- Yang Pasti, Papa yang paling cool... heheh tugasan berat dah settle semalam (as in oct nntila). So, Papa maybe just sitting at the hall with Pak Long, Papacik (InsyaAllah, pray to Allah, Papacik will be discharged from the hospital by now~then~errghh as in oct la, u got what i mean kan) n Pak Ngah. Waiting for the ladies to be prepared. Or, maybe he'll assist bahwe to get ready.
It was on this date; 17th September 2009: Papacik ~ my closest uncle ~ telah kembali kerahmatullah. Mohon disedekahkan Al-Fatihah kepada rohnya.
Lepas dah update entry, aku gi borak2 ngan Aida pastu happy2 sebab nak raya dah. Orang call tak henti2, tapi aku bagitau aku tak cuti. Around 4pm Mama call, Papacik dah nazak. Mmg takleh nak fikir benda lain dah, aku call Boss mintak nak balik sekarang coz, nak balik Melaka. Alhamdulillah, my boss memahami bagi balik & cuti esoknya. E-mail yg aku tgh draft pun tutup jer. Balik rumah, mama sumer orang dah siap2. Tunggu Angah, Abg ngan Honey jer. Tak lama lepas tu, around 5pm, Abijad called Mama, "Papa(Papacik) dah takde kul 4.45 tadi" then, pukul 5.15pm Wawa called telling the same "Papa(Papacik) dah takde". I was in my room packing my clothes and everything. Bila keluar, Mama nangis and telling us to baca Yaasin, sedekahkan kepada Arwah. Tapi time tu terkedu, aku terus pegi mandi (tatau kenapa) and duduk diam2 kat depan. Tak boleh nak fokus baca, fikiran aku kosong...
Papacik, uncle yang paling rapat dengan kami adik beradik for he was my mom's only brother in law. Kami 2 family (Mamacau & Mamacik) memang sangat rapat sejak dari kitorang takde lagi, kecik2 sampaila sekarang. Mungkin ini adalah suratan, kami semua (all married cousins & kampung kerdas clanz) tak bercadang brkumpul this year. Turn balik rumah mertua. Tapi, kami semua berkumpul.
Maaf, entry ini sedih.. Tapi sebenarnya sampai hari ni masih susah untuk aku percaya Arwah telah pergi untuk selama-lamanya. Sampai malam Jumaat tu, masa kami gilir-gilir jaga jenazah, aku tak boleh nak tidur, sebab bila tidur, dengar orang ngaji, aku jengah mmg betul ada jenazah. Alhamdulillah, aku sempat bacakan surah Yasin & beberapa surah lain sepanjang malam tu sampai lps subuh tu, tgk Pakcik Yusof (his brother) datang aku curik masa tidur jap. Bersyukur jugak sebab sempat melawat Arwah Papacik beberapa kali masa kat hospital walaupun ralat hari Ahad (6/9) before arwah Papacik masuk ICU tu aku taknak turun sbb fikir hari Sabtu (5/9) tu dah pergi tgk.. Entahla, time tu tetibe aku rasa cam jauh hati (mcm taknak ckp2). Terdetik juga dlm hati, tapi aku biarkan jer. Alhamdulillah, Jenazah beliau dalam keadaan yang sangat tenang dan seakan tersenyum sewaktu sebelum dikafankan.. Alhamdulillah, ramai orang yang datang menyempurnakan jenazah dan memberikan penghormatan terakhir. Alhamdulillah, arwah dikebumikan pada Hari Jumaat di dalam bulan paling mulia, Bulan Ramadhan.
Dulu masa Arwah Makwe (my grandmother) nak meninggal dunia pun sama, last jumpa Arwah kat umah before balik MMU, aku macam rase jauh hati (bukan merajuk, tapi cam taknak cakap).. Tapi syukur jugak sempat lawat Arwah Mkwe before nafas terhenti semasa di hospital (walau rasa sedikit terkilan).
Semoga roh-roh mereka dicucuri rahmat & berada dalam golongan orang-orang beriman. Amin.
Posted by groovy ally at Wednesday, September 23, 2009 3 comments
Labels: +Groovy Familia+
Aidilfitri 1430H/2009M
Posted by groovy ally at Wednesday, September 23, 2009 0 comments
Labels: +Groovy World+
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Prektis meck parfait..
still~ 29 days..
Practise smiling ~
I have a soklan: how to smile properly on ur w day?
Senyum boleh nampak gigi ke or takleh nampak gigi? Sbb kalo nmak gigi tu comel a.k.a sopan ker eak? Either way.. I definitely have to practise smiling... An actual nice-sweet-manmelting-smile not grinning.
Mcm kak alicia ni? gorjes kan?
Pic credit to http://www.aliciakeys.com/
Not even grin with a sound ~ ngee.. yupe, not even "heheh heheh". So, u know.. I actually have this annoying smiley grin combo with "heheh heheh". And whenever I smiled, my teeth will be smiling too and My round eyes will be shut. So.. rase cam tak comel! I need to practise a sweet nice smile.. And smile that will last for at least 5 hours.. Urrghh! So, first thing first, after Raya harus kunyah chewing gum every day to strengthen my face mussles. ;P
And i have a serious face, where even if i was actually concentrating on my work, ppl seems to be mistakenly think that i was not in the mood, or having bad day or tgh bengang ke ape. And thanks to my deep thinking (cam deep exfoliating laks kan) routine (byk sgt pikir), i have these annoying lines on my forehead. Even pandang PC pun leh berkerut dahi. huhu..
So, mestila kena practise senyum banyak-banyak. And practise the actual smiling face, not the tersengih-sengih one. Huhu..
=D eh silap.. =)
Posted by groovy ally at Thursday, September 17, 2009 2 comments
Labels: +Groovy Bridezilla+
Anjakan Paradigma..
Okay, u may want to skip this rambling entry.. huhu... =P
1. If u asked me last week, i wud answer you "sebulan lebih lagi". But, if u asked me today, i wud answer u.."xsampai sebulan dah" uhuhu (itupun... kalau aku jawapla kan.. selalunya sengih je)
2. Waktu ini @ 9.57 am, bulan depan:
- Mungkin sy sedang berhempas pulas memakai baju yang mungkin tidak muat.. (fuh kiri.. fuh kanan... mintak2 jangan!)
- Mungkin saya turun lagi 3 kilo.. or worst! naik lagi 3 kilo.. (arrggghhh!! grrovvyy!! stop eating!)
- Saya tidak lagi CikGroovy pada hari ini.. (saya masih sorang manusia laa giler.. ) ;p
- Mungkin saya sedang membebel2.. or worst melalak sebab ade benda yang tak kena.. cecheh! nervous la katekan...
- Atau mungkin saya sedang kena bebel ngan Mama!! sebab belum mandi or Worst! belum bangun tidur!! (fuuhh.. jangan la aku gi buat perangai tak senonoh camnih..)
- Mungkin Aiman sedang berlari2 anak dikeliling rumah sambil cubaan memasuk bilik saye.. tapi sorry yerr aiman.. Achik tgh nervous nih... hahah.. "Hah! Along... jgn angkat adik tu.. dah siap kebelum.. pegi mandi dulu.. dah la kening tak takde.~ (Along Honey had shaved her eyebrow last Saturday @ 12/9/09. budak ni betullaa..)
- Minta2 Mama sihatla hari ini nanti... nanti mesti mama tgh dok sembang2 ngan maklong, mamacik, makngah.. sambil tak lupe mmberi arahan terakhir kepada kami sumer.. ngeh2! ampun Ma.. =P
- Mungkin juga tengah on the phone dengan En. Ted.. ape lagi membebellaa.. "dah bangun ke belum? bile mau datang.. bla bla bla.." gossh! mesti tetibe Ted rase nyesal dah pagi nih.. heheh.. ;P terime jela eakkk...
- Yang Pasti, Papa yang paling cool... heheh tugasan berat dah settle semalam (as in oct nntila). So, Papa maybe just sitting at the hall with Pak Long, Papacik (InsyaAllah, pray to Allah, Papacik will be discharged from the hospital by now~then~errghh as in oct la, u got what i mean kan) n Pak Ngah. Waiting for the ladies to be prepared. Or, maybe he'll assist bahwe to get ready.
- Mungkin port paling riuh ialah didapur, meja makan, hall tv (dedue). kat depan mesti bapak2 tgh rehat2.. Mungkin ade isu hangat pasal politic ka pasal bola ka nnti.. lagi laa gawat..
- Mungkin saya sedang tunggu kak mimi datang.. "dik bawak air sikit untuk kak mimi". or, dah sedang dalam proses penyiapan.. huhuh...
- Mungkin Nenek Nab (my neighbour) ngan Cik Ani dah dtg jengah2.
- Mungkin saya sedang blushing2 sambil nyorok blakang langsir.. or worst.. gigit langsir tu.. ;P
- Saya dah kena panggil seseorang itu sebagai s**** or worst a****. Hahahah! Nak gelak guling2.. mcm emoticon tu.. hahahaahhaha.... ok stop.
Posted by groovy ally at Thursday, September 17, 2009 2 comments
Labels: +Groovy Bridezilla+
Monday, September 14, 2009
Tips minggu ini..
32 days left..
Menjawap soalan maut yang dilontarkan disaat-saat genting, tanpa menipu (contoh ayat: eh takdela kak.. manade) atau mengguris perasaan sipenanya (sbb tak jwp soalan)...
1. Sengih2 manje tanpa berkata2.
2. Gelak kecik2 tanpa berkata sepatah pun.
3. "Heheh.. Owhh.. alamak.. dah nak kena pegi la kak.. okie.. babai"
4. kalau dah boleh agk2 cam nak kena tanya.. cepat2 alihkan perhatian dengan memuji baju si-bakal-penanya.
Contoh soalan? hurmm.. takde dlm silibus.. kena pikirla sendiri.. ;P
Posted by groovy ally at Monday, September 14, 2009 2 comments
Labels: +Fun Facts+, +Groovy Bridezilla+
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Days to go..
Huhu.. cuba teka skang I sedang buat ape.. hikhiks.. Am waiting for the account to be activated so that i can watch last week's episode of Nur Kasih. uhu.. angah & nini kejam! takmoh share ape jadik.. chis.. chis.. huhu.. Orang tak dapat tgk pun sebab gi beli remote astro tau (haha.. sbnrnya, itu hanya secebis masa je yang digunakan smbil2 gi low yatt n having iftar with Ted) =P
But why oh why, up until now i still have not received the activation e-mail? susahla cengginih.. hehe.. hurm.. dah la internet agak melembapkan diri sendiri..
** This is the 3rd time since 20 mins after Maghrib, bunyi mercun meletop! aduuhhh!!
** This Saturday Aiman & Alya will coming here! Yeay! (^_^) **4th das**
** There are many of my frens asking why do i need their address.. hehe.. nantikan Kad Raya dari saya ya.. ** das mercun kelime kedengaran ** aduhh bebudak ni tak sayang nyawa ker.
** Huhu.. Smlm pegi lagi low yatt with Ted. hehe.. ade benda yg sgt cute wa beli.
** Last week pegi buke poser with Era kat Subang Parade. Ade satu maxi dress warna putih, panjang sampai buku lali (tahap ketinggian wa yang rendang nila), lengan pendek sampai atas siku, kalo pakai ngan black cardigan ~~~ Sooo Georgeous! tapi.. RM 300. hurm.. walaupun hasrat ku murni, tapi kalau just nak pakai sekali pastu aku confirm taruk dlm lemari wat hiasan.. huhuh~~ awal2 kena reject =( sedih2
** sape kenal Che Sue + ikin ibrahim + Adib + hafiz abu marshah.. huhu.. pls buzz me.. =( nila padah nye bile suke tukar nombor henfon tak roger orang..
Okeh, enough.. kejap lagi dtg blik tunggu e-mail.. huhu =P
Posted by groovy ally at Thursday, September 10, 2009 0 comments
Labels: +Groovy World+
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Hye.. it's 12th days of Ramadhan.. Howdaya feel girls?
Yg pastinya kurus sket la kan.. heheh (ade ke itu yg gua komen.) Tapi betul per.. hehe. walaupun kegagalan melancarkan program diet secara tulus & drastik, turun gak la berat sket. (sket jerla..) How about Quran reciting? hopefully everything goes well. =D
Huhu.. 45 days to go. You'll find me ranting about my not-so-long singlehood life in these few days. Sorry guys if i bored u to death =P. Well, i just want to appreciate my single life, selagi boleh. Even though my single life is quite boring for some of you, but still it's going to change after this. My single life is circling around my home - books, tv, & aiman-berry, work and some friends (and some travelling).. but i'm happy with it. Hee.. (^_^)/ So, apa2 yang kurasakan akan 'dimisskan' selepas status ini berakhir, ku akan catatkan di atas laptop ini..
Hehe.. First time menyambut puase as someone's fiancee. Jadi, this year kire tahun yang wow la.. First puase as fiance, and last puase as single. Hi hi.. Rase cam blushing2 gedik sket lah.. haha.. tapi persoalan wajib.. barang ape mau beli sama bakal ibu m**t** untuk hadiah hari Raya.. ngeh ngeh ngeh..
Well, i did something stupid today. I dunno why, but after mama said it last 2 days, i thought of giving it a try - something that i'd let go for quite sometimes. Hurm.. well, hafta nego with Ted and see how's it going. Maybe i can use his help (if he want to, and it's a very slim chance!)
Lapar waffle.. Wuuu Wuuu.. Lapar Waffle kat World of waffle kat OU.. (pic credit to hyred wyred)
On another note.. this is my pledge..
Not to..ever.. never again.. Go to SOGO during weekend and it's the last day of Mega Sales. Gua kena panic attack!! Sumpah! Rase cam ketaq lutut sumer.. huhu.. gila.. I just dun have the bargain-hunters guts i guess. Imagine rase nak pitam. haha. lawak pun ade. It ended up, TED has to survive the 'swamp' and find me the things i want and brought it back to me for QA and approval. Haha! Sebbaik En Tedku adalah seorang yang gagah.
And, I read that Airhead book by Meg Cabot (click the meg cabot link at ur right) it's about this supersmart girl who had her brain transfered into this one supermodel body. Who died on the almost same time as she died. I had to find the second book, and continue reading. Cute giler! Mcm spirit transfer dalam Freaky Friday la.. Tapi yg beza, yg supermodel ni takde dah coz she's dead. i mean her brain is dead la.. They have this society that believe there are some famous people who claimed to be dead, but they are actually living around us in someone's body. Haha. Remember they take out MJ's brain for some postmoterm? Bygkan itu sumer propaganda, & sbnrnya die skang ni idup dalam badan seorang tukang kebun. And the next few years, kita akan dapat sorang lagi talent like MJ, only he's not someone else. He is actually mj.. Hahaha.. Creepy.. i had the goosebump already =P
Posted by groovy ally at Wednesday, September 02, 2009 4 comments
Labels: +Groovy Bridezilla+