Thursday, September 17, 2009

Prektis meck parfait..

still~ 29 days..

Practise smiling ~

I have a soklan: how to smile properly on ur w day?
Senyum boleh nampak gigi ke or takleh nampak gigi? Sbb kalo nmak gigi tu comel a.k.a sopan ker eak? Either way.. I definitely have to practise smiling... An actual nice-sweet-manmelting-smile not grinning.

Mcm kak alicia ni? gorjes kan?
Pic credit to

Not even grin with a sound ~ ngee.. yupe, not even "heheh heheh". So, u know.. I actually have this annoying smiley grin combo with "heheh heheh". And whenever I smiled, my teeth will be smiling too and My round eyes will be shut. So.. rase cam tak comel! I need to practise a sweet nice smile.. And smile that will last for at least 5 hours.. Urrghh! So, first thing first, after Raya harus kunyah chewing gum every day to strengthen my face mussles. ;P

And i have a serious face, where even if i was actually concentrating on my work, ppl seems to be mistakenly think that i was not in the mood, or having bad day or tgh bengang ke ape. And thanks to my deep thinking (cam deep exfoliating laks kan) routine (byk sgt pikir), i have these annoying lines on my forehead. Even pandang PC pun leh berkerut dahi. huhu..
So, mestila kena practise senyum banyak-banyak. And practise the actual smiling face, not the tersengih-sengih one. Huhu..

=D eh silap.. =)


Aety Hassan said...

jgn senyum kambing dh ler.. by the way thank u for the invitation card.. Insya Allah aku pergi.. Aku doakan sejahtera & lancar majlis tu hendaknya.. Amin..

groovy ally said...

ety, hehehe... tula pasal.. takut esok aku senyum kambing jer.. heheh... datang yer.. =D

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