Life is too short to be complicated...
Yet... Here i am.. stucked in my-complicated-self, mind & thought...
Haha.. so much that i love to blame the hormone, i knew it in the heart, it's me who complicate things...
Perasaan bercampur baur...
I'm excited and can't hardly wait for the next 4 months period to be ended ~ so that i can finally meet the lil one in me..
But..At the same time, i want the time to stop ticking ~ so that these 4 months would not end.. And i know I'm gonna miss this lil one kicking inside my tummy... Huhu... One of the most precious momentos throughout this journey... Beside looking at his/her pic (2D scan tho').. I remember the first time, i felt the kicking (or more like the lil one is moving around).. i thot it was the gas (knowing me, i have lotsa gas inside me.. ;P) but then, after a while.. Ohh... It him/her moving inside me.. And that the first time En Ted felt the movement (last Saturday ~ 13/3.. i marked the calendar ;D).. His joyful face i almost cried (lucky i dun, coz it will spoiled the moment ;p)
At the same time.. I'm anxious and afraid!! For the biggest moment to come.. Huwaaa.. Rase nak nangis everytime thinking bout it... i dunno if i can stand the pain... It's the second hardest pain after death, mind you~! i Dunno if i'm ready to be someone's m**my.. I dunno if i'm ready to handle another life besides mine & Ted.. I dunno if i can handle sleeping without Ted (ok, u can puke now).. i dunno if i can stand living without nescafe for more than 1 year.. Huhu.. I dunno if i can get my pre-preggie figure back (not that i had that model figure.. but still ~~ )
I'm wondering... when shud we started taking that all post-labour herbs? Doesn't that will affect our lil one? Hurm.. Yelah... herba kan panas?
Arrghh.. The agony of not knowing what will happen.. there u go.. huhu... I hope & pray everything will be all right.. Yeah, there were millions of women who gave birth and live happily after that and gave another birth and stay alive.. (Both of my mama had gone thru' 5 times of labor pain) Even before the hospital were build and all the birth were handled by midwife, there were so many women/mom that survived! And there were millions of mother that get their figure back... InsyaAllah we will survived..
Note: I'm babbling, ignore me...
majinnnnnnn.....wah lagi 4 bulan nak due? tak lama tu...congrats2....anak kite sebaya la nanti ;)
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