Friday, March 5, 2010

Syyyhhh.. Library Mode

Syhhh... i'm in a library mode..

Reading glass (cheh macam ade jer.. ;p) ~ Checked!
Headphone ~ kena carik yang baru... yang ade boleh dengar sebelah jer.. ~ Checked!
Mp3 full of symphonic + soothing + classical + soul ~ Checked! (my SonyE w508)
Nice plushy sofa / My four-poster-Bed ~ Checked!
Ted (no.. not my hubby.. this Ted.. just found that his name is Tatum..) ~ Checked!

Mari kita menuju puncak! Theee hehe..

This is where i've been 'lost' in my world for the past few months...
I've been writing in this new 'groovy~journal' (the ring note book).. talking to 'lil-someone', every now & then.. (still finding guts to speak out loud to him/her.. sbb stiap kali cakap rase cam nak tergelak.. cam ckp sorang2.. boleh?)
I've been reading the YOU book & freak out every now & then...
I enjoy reading the YOU (HAB).. eventhough ghupe mcm buku text but it's a good reading (for someone like me ~ the first-timer).. bila bace susah nak berenti (like novel) & siap boleh tergelak2...

Taking a week break (mcm cuti sem plak)...
Reading this novel plak...

Yeay! So, i've completed the 3 books of Lauren Weisberger's heels novel..

This novel ~ "Everyone worth knowing" was actually published second after Devils Wear Prada & before Chasing Harry Winston.. Tapi, last time buku ni abeh stock so i read the CHW first. Tapi takpe coz bukan buku bersiri pun.. Hehe..

The book is awesome! Well.. very Lauren Weisberger's style la kan...
The story is about Bette (Bettina) who have was so stress (with no powwow hour everyday) one day quit her job @ the bank.
She had a columnist (gay) uncle who always persuaded her to quit her bank job & join him in the writers' world..
So, after that she join her uncle's protege's company.. Where her job description including going parties every night... Hehe..
I always wonder how can people parties/clubbing until early in the morning & have to go to work within less than 8 hours..
And haven't crossed my mind before that there are people who actually go to parties for their paycheck! Wow~~!!
Pastu as usual, love part.. Cute giler... She was supposed to be a gf to this (gay) celebrity (paul ke philip name die) in the public, and her boss was very-very please with the relationship. At the same time, she was attracted to this bouncer she met at one of the club.. Sammy.. comeii~!! I like it when he's actually her senior in highschool and actually remember her.. And love to read romance novel! HAha... diorang (bette & some of her fren) siap ade romance book club.. Da start bace skali nak letak sikit punye susah...

Hehe.. itu die.. skian laporan saya pada hari ni...


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