Huhu... okie... sebelum lupe segala butir kejadian... It's once in a lifetime experience and yet i started to forget all the details... even the pain.. i told you, i'm not good at remembering things.. huhu... dang u! ;P
Hehe.. this is my first time admitted to the hospital.. my first ospital rhapsody was when Mama was admitted to HKL last year..
False Alarm
24th June (Thursday).. malam tetibe teringin makan tom yam.. Ted was coming late from work.. so pesan kat die nak tom yam... i ate like there's no tomorrow.. i mean selalu takdela rakus sampai abeh (sbb tom yam kalau order tapau sure boleh muat mangkuk tambah tu kan?) tapi malam tu siap abeh licin... huhu.. sudahnye that nite i couldn't sleep!
Since i was still little, i had this same problem. Especially time raye... Ingat lagi, i was called "Cik Tambah" mase kecik2 dulu... sbb suke makan banyak... huhu.. lepas tu.. bile malam nangis2 takleh tidur sebab takleh bernapas... huhu... terpakse tidur atas krusi malas... ;p
That nite, Ted kat sebelah sikit punye syok layan mimpi.. memula taknak kacau.. ingat nak manje2.. i just mengerang sikit2.. budget macamla die nak kesian and bangun... hahaha... silap! tak sedar langsung... terus gerakkan Ted..
"Perut i saket giler nih... tolong urut mesti pasal makan tomyam ni kot.. angin..." Ted terus urutkan... bile dah ok, die pun stop n tidur... tapi tibe2 sakit menyerang lagi.. lebih kuat dan jitu perasaan die.. huhu... aiseh ni time, dah ternangis jugakla saket...
"U sakit nak beranak ke nih... nak pegi hospital tak malam ni?" "tataula sakit ape nih... kang pegi spital, skali rupenye pasal makan banyak buat malu jer.. huhu... boleh kot.. kalau tak esok pagi tak reda gak, i gi la klinik ksi tu.. huhu.." sampai pagi takleh tidur sbb sakit memulas-mulas.. now i remember, sakit die mcm contraction.. haha.. how should i know it was a very weak contraction time tu.. i've no experience kan?
25 June (Friday) - Then, pagi takleh tahan.. msg my boss then pegi klinik... Ted can't accompany me since he was new at his department takkan la nak masuk lambat kan... so, i drove alone to ksi, in tears.. hahaha.. cengeng! sampai klinik.. jumpa one of my office colleague nak inject anak die.. die tanye sakit aper... sakit perut memulas-mulas.. "ko dah berape bulan?" "dah 8 bulan lebih" "hoh.. berani ko drive sini sorang2?" huhuhu...
tunggu giliran lame jugak then Ted call.. "U sakit perut lagi ker?" "a'ah sakit jugak.. kejap ade kejap takde.." dengan muke merah2 (rase panas) tahan sakit dok depan pintu doc.. huu... "u pegi call insurance kate nak beranak dah nih..." "hah? ni rase nak beranak ker??" "ntah akak kat sini kate u sakit nak beranak ni... cepat pegi apsh tunggu i kat sane.. i dah nak gerak nih.." i went out, oppss.. before that cakap kat kaunter tak jadi jumpe doc... call p*care.. pastu dusshhh pegi apsh...
Sampai je kat apsh, ted already arrived and waited for me at the lobby.. i sampai jer terus he went to the counter.. haha.. this is funny... "bang... bini saya nak beranak nih" hahahaha... so the attendant datang bawak wheel chair to my car.. dahla benti betul2 depan pintu lobi... boleh ke aku gelak naik wheel chair sbb i can still walk at this time... hahahaha... siap cakap "takpe la bang... saya boleh jalan nih" "takpe puan.. naik je nnti sy tolak... abang pegi parking kete dulu nnti baru naik tingkat 3.." hahaha...
Sampai kat labour room.. nurse (or is it midwife?) kat situ tanye.. "eh.. ni dah sakit ke belum nih?" coz i was giggling... it was my first being pushed on a wheelchair... "dah rase sikit.. tapi tatau la rase ape nih..." terus die bawak gi observation room n pasang that ctg machine... again i was laughing and giggling... sbb nye.. it was still 3 weeks early, i dun think i was ready to deliver just yet...
after 20 good minutes, i was told that the contraction is very2 slow/weak every 6 minutes... and i was only 1 cm dilated... nak tunggu boleh, nak balik pun boleh... "ohh tidak.. saya mau pulang dulu..." kalau dok spital confirm aku stress... so.. off we go, jumpe dr kat klinik amek mc.. pegi minum kat cafe.. and rest at home... huhu... 1 cm ni.. silap2 minggu depan baru bersalin agaknye...
Balik gombak, mama suruh pindah gombak just in case kalau baby kuar awal.. i was supposed to pindah next week.. baby cot pun belum beli.. last minute shopping pun belum lagi...
26 June- interludePagi pergi Ampang Point beli baby cot and last round shop @ Anakku... Then, after zuhur went out with Ted, Angah & nini to Mid V & The Gardens... Angah's getting promotion and pay raise (congratulation sis! =D) so, as usual... kami adik2 dapatla habuannye... yeay! sempat pegi beli handbag.. then jalan dari The Gardens masuk Mid V.. singgah Robinson, M&S pastu Charles and Keith.. ok, dah puas ati? nak makan mane...
Ngeh.. ngeh.. as usual.. Chili's la...

I remember i said to them, kalau nak beranak lepas ni pun takpe.. dah makan chili's... heheh... makan2 banyak2.. 4 dishes (sebbaik amek yang starter + 1 quasidellas (whatever the name was) jer.. itupun macam nak pengsan mengah2 makan..) hehe..
Balik rumah mengah2... malam siap boleh lagi makan kfc ngan sate.. huhu... sbb angah nak belanje family pulak...
Malam tu tidur kat gombak... again.. i cudn't sleep... aiseh... hurm... tula makan tak hengat dunia lagi... i remember i'd talked to my-still-in-tummy-baby around 3am "Baby, kuar cepat2 eak.. mummy dah tak larat nak makan banyak2 nih.. mummy promise monday kite start diet.. we'll only eat soup and veggie.. baby pun dah berat ni.. mummy takut kena operate (ob/gyn estimate berat baby mase lahir 3.5kgs)" haha...
27 June 2010 - The real deal
Pastu resah2.. pusing kiri pusing kanan last-last tertidur... Tibe-tibe... it was 5.03am.. "tuss!" i felt something kicking in my tummy & soon after that like i wet my pants.. huhu.. aik... takkan baby tendang2 pundi kencing terus ter"pee" kot? huhu... Aaaa... water bag!! terus kejut Ted.. "U.. i rase air ketuban i pecah la.." Ted bangun terpisat-pisat... "betul ker? ke u pee?" "ntah... jap i tanye mama..." mama was actually at her room.. tapi sbb berdebar2.. i takleh nak bangun... terus call mama... tapi takut mama terperanjat.. terus pegi bilik mama...
"Ma... hurrmm... hmm... kalau pecah water bag tu camne aa...?" Mama time tu tengah solat sunat... Papa lak baru kuar toilet mandi nak solat sunat...
Mama: Aaa.. die kuar air banyak la... achik rase camne...
Me: Ntah... tetibe air kuar banyak... ke terpee aaa? huhuhu.. tapi die ade bunyi tuss.. ke yang tu bunyi baby tendang...
Mama: aaa... takpe.. dah ade beg baby.. pegi amek.. kite gi spital skang...
Me: ooo.. eah... takpe ke.. skali belum lagi.. buat malu jer... hahaha...
Papa: Pegi je dulu kalau bukan takpela.. kite breakfast kat cafe die pastu kite balik ler...
Terus bagitau Ted.. and 5.10am we went to the hospital.. sepanjang perjalan i was either reciting doa or laughing.. just in case it was another prank call / false alarm.. hahaha...
Sampai kat hospital... pegi A&E.. bagi form hijau ~ sambil gelak2... pastu.. yeah... kena tolak naik wheelchair lagik... hahahaha... tak sakit lagi... takpe naik jer...
Kena tolak.. naik again to the same counter.. kali ni tak masuk observation room dah.. terus masuk labour room 3.. huhu... okie.. mandilah n solat subuh dulu... nnti saya datang balik... oppss.. sebelum tu nurse bagi dulu ubat untuk proses lawas.. Nurse pun keluar.. i mandi.. solat subuh then.. cakap ngan Ted.. i nak kuar.. salam mama & papa... Suruh mama balik dulu... ini mau lagi 8-10 jam nih... huhu...
Jalan keluar.. nurse kat kaunter tahan.. "ehh.. dah masuk labour room takleh kuar.." "ala.. kak.. nak salam mak jap.. nnti saya masuk balik..." Salam mama... ala-ala mode nak nangis kiss both cheeks.. salam papa.. kiss both cheeks.. "Dik.. masuk nak check dah ni.. jangan lari.." haha.. nurse ni potong stim la orang nak nangis.. hahaha..

time belum sakit.. boleh la surf internet masuk fb update status.. amek gambar.. huhu..
6am.. nurse masuk bilik.. "ok, kita nak induce kasi baby cepat keluar... sbb dah pecah air ketuban kan..." "aa... kena cucuk ker.." aku dah la takut jarum.. pejam mate... serius sakit! ini.. jarum gile besar!! tak mcm yang amek darah aritu.. adehhh... "ok, kita ada pain killer jab (tak ingat ape tah name), or epidural and gas... kalau nak epidural.. kena bagitau cepat sebab after certain cm dah takleh bagi..." aku ngan muke bongkak (hahahaha) kate "takpe.. saye taknak pain killerr" hahaha.. sumpah aku terlupe.. dalam family.. akulah yang paling penakut sakit! (Demam sikit aku dah rase seram sejuk sakit2 badan... nak kena inject takut mcm nak kena kelar.. pacat jatuh atas tangan belum gigit aku dah lari dari ujung ke ujung air terjun..) hahaha... sebab nya teringat orang cakap... kalau epidural effect kat tulang... then a friend of Ted taking the jab cakap takde effect pun, still rase sakit giler.. huhu.. so.. aku pun dengan gagahnye kate taknak painkiller.. "tapi, after certain cm dilated, u'll be having so much pain.. u takkan tahan punye... kalau u rase cam tak leh tahan.. 3 cm camtu u panggil i ok.." nurse india ni yang comel menasihatkan.. maybe die tengok aku nak kena cucuk jarum pun takut macam nak hape... hehehe...
Time ni.. tak rase sakit ape2.. that's why i can still laugh nak talk...
Ted nak balik rumah, kemas my bag (i wasn't prepared for my bag.. haha..) bawak ape yang patut.. then nnti datang bawak air milo... hehe... kasi tenage sikit... minum boleh.. makan tak boleh..
7am.. the contraction came.. tak sakit sangat lagi actually.. but.. i was scared to be left alone in the labour room... i called Ted.. "U.. katner.. meh aa datang cepat.. i dah sakit nih..." hahaha... see.. belum apape..
8am.. Ted sampai.. time sakit dah makin kuat... i recited 'ayat selusuh', doa-doa, ayat kursi.. and try to concentrate on counting to sleep (like counting sheep).. i was only 3cm dilated at this point of time.. buzz nurse mintak pain killer jab.. tammoh epidural (still eksen).. haha.. nurse kasi jab.. then i tried to sleep.. "u cuba tidur.. save your energy... u ada lagi 8 hours nih.."
9am.. sakit makin kuat.. makin kerap.. but i was too busy being scared and concentrate on the pain that i didn't managed to keep track berapa minit all that... setiap kali contraction.. kire 1 sampai berape tah, selawat, zikir, ayat selusuh.. then ok.. reda.. relax... pastu datang lagi... selawat zikir.. kire.. ok... i was 5 cm dilated... mintak Ted urutkan my back and pelvic area..
10am... aiseh.. time ni sakit da makin kuat... Doc masuk tengok2.. and asked me to rest.. lama lagi nih... i was only 6cm dilated... tapi sakit + takut.. errhgghh.. "Ted janganla bace surat kabar!! tolongla urut i.. sakit tau tak..." kesian ted.. sepanjang tunggu nak bersalin ni.. aku tak bagi langsung ted rehat... sampai nak gi toilet pun tak boleh... huhu... last2 die curik2 pegi toilet time nurse datang check... takut punye pasal... ;p tapi seriously, time contraction, dengan bunyi die selak surat khabar pun rasa annoyed gile.. rasa cam nak hempuk jer like he didn't understand that i was in pain, u still boleh lagi bace surat khabar.. tak sayang ker?? huhuh...
11am...kali ni ayat selusuh dah tak leh nak bace.. kire dah tonggang langgang.. dengan mengantuknye.. dengan sakitnye... i just manage to selawat n zikir.. it was 7cm at this time.. tapi rase cam dah nak terkeluar dah... i remember i gripped Ted's shirt really hard right now.. i think i was given gas to help me reduce the pain. Rasenya sakit tahan taknak push lagi susah nak manage... sbbnya by this time, naturally every contraction u'll feel like the baby is coming just at the 'window' and you need to push out.. huhu...
12pm... tiap kali contraction... this was my routine.. sedut gas, gripped Ted's shirt/hand/whatever yang tercapai, selawat, zikir, count till i lost count.. then ok.. same routine... Ted kesian terus die panggil nurse.. "saye rase die dah nak bersalin dah nih.. die dah tatahan dah..." "belum lagi.. baru 8cm nih..." huwaa... lamenye...
1pm... Ted panggil nurse as i was really in pain... i remember saying to him.. "u, i rase dah nak beranak nihh." i gripped his hand really-really-really hard sampai die pun sakit.. at one time.. he tried to offered me something else to gripped.. but i was too scared that i pulled his hair.. coz i cudn't find that thing he offered me.. kesian ted.. huhu ;(
nurse masuk.. ok... it was 9cms++.. dah boleh panggil doc.. then die masukkan tube drainkan pundi.. pastu ape tah buat.. i was on happy gas.. lalok giler tp sempat terpikir.. "lalok camnih boleh ke aku push nnti..." terus tarik corong die kuar n try to breath normally..
2pm.. Doc came in... nurse prepare for kerja-kerja labour... ajar camne nak push... i can't understand what they told me.. i was high from the gas and scared + pain from the contraction... Ted gave me one big kiss at the forehead.. baru nak touching feeling2 skali contraction datang.. huhu.. Ted hold my hand and give support. He tried tunjukkan care yang betul as i dun understand anything... mmg time nih.. aku main teran jer.. nasib baik doc + nurse is very supportive, give me moral support each time... siap ade skali tu aku marah Ted sebb die cakap care aku push salah.. hahaha.. after like 10 sets of failing pushing but with a lil improvement, i heard they said something about epidural.. i was about to gave up.. ahh.. time ni pikir.. operate pun operate lah.. i remember saying to the doc.. "tak boleh dah dokter.. saye dah tak boleh" kaki getar2 siap.. The doctor & nurses was really supportive + my beloved Ted.. "Boleh lagi... boleh.. rehat dulu..nnti sambung".. minum air sepam.. eh seteguk.. then contraction came.. pusshhh... "ok.. sikit je lagi.. dah nampak dah baby".. i remember the last push aku siap panggil baby.. "baby cepat baby"... then.. tetibe rase macam something and ada bende panas atas badan... pegang2.. tengok depan.. ahhh.. my baby!
Rase cam tak caye.. sampaikan i blurted out "aaa.. normal u.. normal.." it was supposed to mean that i berjaya deliver normal tak payah operate.. huhu.. after the hardwork.. endless pain for both of us ;p.. 2.46pm: our baby girl is safely born.. =D
Doc do the last work - mari menjahit.. again i was so scared, i inhaled the gas sampai mamai2.. haha.. tapi boleh dengar my baby nangis.. "ehek ehek.. ehek.." mcm taknak nangis jer.. hehe.. princess la katekan... *winks*
Ted bagitau ramai dah ade kat luar.. my family dengan abg anak beranak, Ted's family, mamacik's family.. all gathered outside waiting for me and the baby... huhu.. seriously.. mmg dalam family aku paling penakut.. abeh turun sumer orang bagi moral support.. hahaha.. ;p
Lepas telan panadol, i was sent to the room.. again on wheelchair.. huhuhu.. tak rase lapar.. tapi rase sangat penat and agak high.. Sampai kat bilik, wani & wawa nak solat... huhu.. i almost dropped my tears when i saw them.. yeay! 2 familiar faces at last... huhu.. mane mama? mama kat depan dengan diorang...
After that.. lepas sorang sorang masuk.. aku dah nak melalak dah terharu tengok diorang.. hehe.. mamacik pegang tangan kate "dah.. dah.. dah selamat dah.. mama dok risau macam mane la ayu beranak kat dalam.." hahaha...
Aiman tengok je kat aku.. mesti die pelik.. x pernah tengok achik tersadai macam ni... huhuu... yeah.. this was my first admitted in the hospital after 28years of life.. demam pun jarang-jarang... pastu ted's family pulak masuk.. si comel zahira (his niece) siap picit-picit my toe.. konon-konon nak tolong urut.. sangat comell!! hahaha.. die agak rapat dengan family ted as well as dengan aku... kalau datang rumah mesti nak peluk2.. hehe.. =D
Then.. mama masuk.. dah nak tumpas dah air mate.. hahaha.. skali ted cakap aper tah.. terus tak jadi nak nangis sebab tergelak2.. rupe-rupenya i was crying mase tengah push tu... haha.. punye tak perasan... huhu.. now.. i have the right to brag.. walaupun akulah makhluk paling penakut dalam family, i'd endured the 2nd most painful pain after dead.. hehehe.. ;P
After what seems like forever, tetibe pintu diketuk.. My shweet baby girl came in.. ^_^ it was the most happiest moment in my life! My baby mmg sangat active time ni.. pushing her hand like playing badminton, and kicking her feet like playing soccer.. dengan taknak tidurnyer.. hehehe.. she was soooo small @ 3.29kgs.. i know she's consider 'besar cam budak umur 3 bln' but to me.. she's sooo small.. hehe.. =D
Congratulation baby! Happy coming to this mad mad world.. ^_^
Baby on the first nite.. hehe.. cute kan.. hehe..
Jaundice Attack!
28 June 2010- The next day, lepas baby dibawa mandi kat nursery... the nurse came and informed that they took some blood to check for jaundice.. i remembered... xcukup feeding last nite.. she was such a good girl.. senyap jer, that i didn't thought she need milk.. apela mak baby nih..
at 11am.. the nurse came again.. bagitau confirm baby kena jaundice.. huhu.. 13.2 reading.. sedih... doa so that baby can cured by tomorrow so that we can go home together.. baby was put under the phototherapy in the nursery.. huhu.. so cute yet sooo sad!
29 June 2010 - Tomorrow came.. baby's reading naik 16... erkkss... my milk tak banyak.. baby pun tak active.. sedih!! i nak stay but for my health my MIL advice me to go and rest at home.. sedihnye!!! tapi ape nak buat.. i went back to gombak and tried to pump out my milk.. mmg tak dapatlaa... dengan penat lagi.. stress lagi... petang tu jugak pegi balik hospital almost nangis depan nurse bile bagitau tak de susu.. nurse advice bg bb minum formula milk first but at the same time i came to the hospital to bf and tried to pump out some milk for her.. ok.. fine..
so sleepy!! baby.. wake up.. minum jom...
with papa hot tolong kejutkan baby bangun minum susu..
30 June 2010 - i came to the hospital with mama & papa.. hoping for the reading to be dropped at least by 15/14.. but.. the reading still increading.. 19! arrgghhh!! terduduk sekejap.. (owhh.. camnilah perasaan ibu risaukan anaknye).. air mate dah bergenang2 cakap dengan nurse.. since baby baru lepas feeding, i have to wait for the next feeding time to bf.. kuar je nursery jumpe mama terus nangis.. Ted kena pegi opis siapkan MAPS.. huhu sedih! call die terus nangis..
Petang tu, ted balik kerja datang balik bf baby.. ;) even penat baby asyik nak tidur tapi it was a very beautiful memory.. Then bile nak feeding.. ada indian nurse masuk dlm bf room tu.. tanye my blood type.. me: O+.. huhu.. nurse cakap.. ok, diorang tengah nak run test.. kadang2 boleh jadi ABO type jaundice if the baby's blood group is different from mine..
after feeding round 1.. kat dlm bilik tidur.. jumpe papa baru bangun nak minum.. anak apak!
1 July 2010 - came to the hospital with Ted.. bf baby.. baby's reading dropped to 17.9.. alhamdulillah.. ;) but still worried..
2 July 2010 - baby's reading dropped to 16.9.. Alhamdulillah.. but kadar penurunan sangat degil, i asked the nurse what's her blood type.. B+ (cheh ikut papa lagi).. Oo.. kemungkinan ABO.. ABO ni mmg degil nak turun.. dia akan naik tinggiii then turun pelan-pelan...
kuning still nampak...
3 July 2010 - Everytime i came, mesti nurse akan tanye ade makan jamu tak, sebab degil sangat jaundice ni nak turun.. "takde.. saya tak makan jamu.. kunyit / halia pun tak makan..." rase nak nangis la nih.. rupenye... takleh makan brocolli & courliflower (ejaan silap. ;p)... that were in my meals for everyday.. ikan bakar + brocolli/cflower.. time ni reading sudah drop 15..
Since baby baru lepas feeding we went to Ampang Point area to have lunch and wait for another 3 hours.. huhu.. ok.. pegi makan kat kedai mamak Pelita tu.. then masuk Ampang point.. boleh pegi ke Poh Kong.. belikan gelang kaki untuk baby =D since gelang/rantai takut terjerut... sooo small & cute.. hehe.. ;) raye nnti bole la pakai.. hiks..
Then, ade pulak sales kat habib depan ampang point nih.. pegi jap tengok2.. dengan jalan yang supperr perlahan, pakai sweater, perut berbengkung, badan berminyak herbanika nona roguy (sebbaik harum) tinggal tak pakai pilis/param jer.. hehe.. sales pindah ke sales renovation time tu.. hehe.. tetibe Ted suruh carik cincin..err.. cincin dah ade.. xnak la.. i nak bracelet boleh.. hehehe.. demand... ok.. carik bracelet jumpe yang cute.. and berpatutan hargenye hekhekhek.. dapatlah saya hadiah sempena bersalin from Ted.. Tq hubby =D
4 July 2010 - sepanjang jalan doa for miracle that baby can go home today.. sampai kat spital.. sedih.. still can't go home.. reading baru 13++
dah nampak cerah sikit... during bf sambil tengok tv.. naik ngantuk mummy, baby asyik tidur jer..
5 July 2010 - Ted dah start kerja.. so i have to go to the hospital with mama & papa.. cadang nak pegi kul 12 ++ so that boleh bf terus takyah tunggu next feeding.. normally baby feeding @ 1pm.. dalam kul 11-ish Ted call.. "U dah pegi hospital ker?" "Belum naper?" "Baby dah boleh keluar ker?" "Eh taktau.. nape, hospital call u ker?" "err.. err... eh.. laaa... i termimpilaa tadi..." huuu.. sadis.. boleh termimpi kat opis baby nak balik hari ni.. but to be safe, bawak je beg baby.. sampai kat apsh.. nurse bagitau "baru nak call.. baby dah bole balik hari ni.." berapa reading? 12.9.. tapi sebab baby dah besar, doc kate boleh balik..
rase berat hati but at the same time gembira baby dah boleh balik.. =)
OO... nak papa mimpi dulu baru nak balik yer baby.. ^_^

I'm going home!
Just to be on safe side, i mintak home nursing... hari khamis nnti datang yer..
At the same time, i feed baby with my milk.. dah rase jadik pemerah berjaya.. rase nak bukak kaunter jual susu ibu.. gembira sangat sebab susu dah ade banyak.. nurse pesan kena monitor feeding baby and her stool/poop.. ok.. monitor2.. mule2 kasi susu pump coz i wanted to make sure she really gets 2oz then kalau tak cukup sambung with direct bf..
Macam2 petua orang bagi, jangan pakai baju kuning/anything kuning.. ade yang suruh mandi dengan ubat sensei kuning.. ade yang tak bagi mandi pakai ubat sensei takut lagi kuning.. to the extent ade yang suruh minum ubat sensei tu!! aa.. itu racunlaaa!! kesian bb.. ade yang suruh minum air kundur... kundur yang campur dlm es leicikang tu... jemur kat matahari 2hours from 8am - 10am.. tapi ade gak yang kate jangan lebih kul 9am.. ade yang suruh balut dengan kain hitam so that die boleh serap kuning.. member Ted lagi sengal, suruh Ted peluk baby so that Ted's skin can serap kaler kuning baby.. hampeh! ade yang suruh minum air baby jagung.. Paling penting never stop bf!
Thank you soo much to all that care for us.. ;)
Tapi sebab banyak sangat petua.. i just follow what nurse told me.. monitor feeding.. jemur boleh jugak tapi tak berkesan sangat sebab baby shud be under phototheraphy all the time.. matahari cuma 2 jam je paling lama.. tambah pulak cerita korea WeMa start jam 8.30.. lagila kadang2 kejap je jemur ;p
8 July 2010 - Nurse datang... eh.. mcm kuning lagi ni... amek darah kat kaki kecit.. kesian.. baby nangis.. ;( guudd girll dun cry.. sebbaik die nangis kejap jer.. dah la comel je nangis.. lepas check up sumer.. nurse pun pulang.. around 3ish nurse call.. ain.. kena bawak baby datang hospital sbb reading tinggi 16.5.. Ya Allah.. terus kejut mama papa then pegi hospital..
admitted at the nursery.. kesian kena tinggal lagi... kali ni they told me to stop bf for a while.. takut baby kena jaundice brestfeeding..
So.. i started to pump everyday and redha baby minum formula milk dulu untuk baik...
11 July 2010 - Baby boleh discharged @ reading 11.. Alhamdulillah...
Again, maybe it's mother's instinct or what, i want to have home nursing again...
hari selasa nurse datang reading naik lagi 12.. tapi tak perlu admit coz baby dah 16 hari..
hari isnin next weeknye nurse datang lagi... reading turun to 7.5..
Alhamdulillah... akhirnya baby telah bebas jaundice... =D
Looking at the bright side for what happens..
1. mommy made new friends, all moms with jaundice babies.. share experience..
2. mommy dapat kuar jalan2 even dalam confinement.. hahaha..
but my mistakes... i waited until baby is completely cured means turun jaundice betul2 baru nak direct bf balik... pastu teringat nak makan jamu pulak.. so, i thought of giving her another week before i continue to direct bf.. i just pump and save in the freezer at the meantime and feed her with formula.. reason being, i dun want my milk to increase the bilirubin again and hurt my baby.. tapi, time ni susu dah tak banyak...
lilttle that i know, after such a long time.. she hates my b.. huhu.. i can only feed my milk through bottle.. and my milk supply is running low.. even dah makan lobak putih pun takleh increase.. i bought feenugreek tapi bulan pose.. terlupe pulak nak makan feenugreek time berbuka ngan sahur.. i just pump out.. tak sampai 1oz pun skang ni... sedihhnyee.. baby dah jadik baby formule.. ;( tapi i still hope that it's not too late for me to bf her after poser nih.. ;( no one knows how i feel.. ntahla.. biarlah..
So, baby.. please know that mommy loves you sssooo much!! and papa too ^_^
You're my Honeybunch, Sugarplum
Pumpy-umpy-umpkin, You're my Sweetie Pie
You're my Cuppycake, Gumdrop
Snoogums-Boogums, You're the Apple of my Eye
And I love you so and I want you to know
That I'll always be right here
And I love to sing sweet songs to you
Because you are so dear
Jadi itulah cerita ospital rhapsody saye... This was my first time admitted in the hospital..huhu.. eer.. mase kekecik i went through a minor surgery for my ears tapi tu kat klinik pakar admitted for 1 nite tapi tu tak kire hospital la kan.. hehe.. teringat papa belikan komik uncle scrooge time tu.. hekhekhek..
Thanks to all families and friends for the visit & pressies.. =)
Thanks especially to my mama & papa for taking care of me and baby at hospital, home until today..
Thanks especially to my MIL & FIL for taking care of me and baby at hospital and until today...
Special thanks for my beloved hubby Ted for the memorable experience and taking care of me and the baby... harap u tak serik lagi sakit same2 dengan i di labour room.. hehehe.. ;p
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