Hahaha... siap ade part 1.1.. :p
Travelling to UK last Oct was totally a new experience to me... A different 13-hours journey from previous journey (which was back in 1996.. haha that long).
First, it was with diff aircraft (MAS vs AA)... so the space (or is it because i was definitely bigger now hahaha) and the stewardess were def. different.. heheh... Yelah.. i still can't get over the stewardess thingy... Dun get me wrong... some of them are extremely nice.. huhuhu... (my dream next vacay: to travel in different aircraft)..
Second, back then i was travelling as a teenager... And now, i'm travelling with my lil baby.. So.. the idea of not sleeping the nite before travelling & to sleep/read throughout the journey is what i had to think as 2nd option not 1st option.. Since now, my first option is the baby! hehe...
Yeah. i'm that shallow... forgive me please.. :(
Masa hari jumaat before the flight tu, we were in hurry... We only reached Gombak @ 11.30pm (mama pun da ingat kitorg tak tido Gombak.. huhu).. Then, nak kena arrange barang lagi susun elok2.. dgn Iman taknak tido nya... so, end up tido dlm 2.30am.. Pastu kul 4am dah bangun balik nak mandi & siap2.. huhu... Lepas tu tido skejap on the way to LCCT and tak tido sampailah baby tido..
Luckily, baby tido soon after the take off. So, after take off, bla-bla-bla, letak baby atas basinet, makan skejap dah boleh tido...
Not-so-lucky.. baby only sleep for like 5 hours before bangun & taknak tido2.. huwaa... Hehe..
Ok, now.. things i had to keep in mind & to share with you, when travelling with baby / infant below 2yrs for more than 4 hours..
1. Have a seat at the first row.. If with AA, then invest some money on the Hot Seat..
Like us, we bought the Hot Seat and Alhamdulillah got the bassinet for both journey.. there were couple yg travel with us on the way back to Malaysia, didn't get the bassinet coz they're in the 4th row and because we had it first.. Mind you.. AA ada cuma 1 bassinet in aircraft at each "department".. so, kalau nak booking by inform cust services (which we did when we bought the tix), diorg akan advice to inform the air crew.. huhu... apadda...
2. Have a very good rest before the travelling day! Yupe.. coz, bare in mind, u're now have to manage 2 person instead of yourself alone.. hehe.. luckily Ted was there to take care together.. :)
3. Try to get nite journey.. sbb the baby will sleep most of the time.. hehe... mcm mase balik.. ok best gile.. smpt bace buku, eat our meal in peace, and get some sleep...
4. Feed your baby during the take off.. atau, paling tidak suruh baby hisap puting/soother. sbb mase nak take off tu kan nanti kite yg besar ni pun sakit telinga/tak dengar... baby lagilah... lucky, iman memang hisap puting.. sbb naik je plane, bg minum susu.. tapi tak sempat take off dah abeh dah susu.. so die hisap puting... Alhamdulillah, ok takde paper...
5. Book your seat near to the toilet.. Senang nak change diapers, wash their face and etc.
6. Brought some entertainment (if traveling with AA). Sbb baby akan cepat boring & need something to distract them.. Dahla dlm confined space, lagilah diorang akan resah... Huhu..
7. Try to have a flight yang ada transit... so, at least takdelah rase terperap dlm plane to for solide 13hours.. hehe..
Nasib baik, next year baby dah 2 yrs old. So, mmg kena beli seat for her... Hehe..
Nah, gambar baby comel tgh tido dlm bassinet... Hehe...
She's tall, so kaki tak muat! :D
Subhanallah... ini kat mane tah... cantikkan :)

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