Fuhh kiri... fuhh kanan...
Okie... dah awal muharam & next 3 weeks dah tahun 2011.. so, macam biase banyak orang talking about azam baru and etc...
Haha... selalunya azam tahun baru aku mesti hangat2 tahi ayam jer... selalunya setakat tulis dlm diary/blog jelah... Yelah, kan every year mesti gigih beli diary baru/organiser baru.. So, dapat je diary baru tu terus semangat nak tulis azam baru.. hik hik hik.. sudah nye masuk bulan febuari lupe dah ape azam tu tadi..
So, this year gonna make a realistic one.. heheh.. ;p
Ok, First... this resolution has been brought forward since-i-don't-know-when.. hahah the last time i was fit was in early 2007..
Jeng jeng jeng.. my ultimate resolution is: to be fit & healthy..
Hehe.. i have 15 extra kgs to be shed off.. So, i'm targeting by end of 2011, i'll be at least 12 kgs lighter than today as i making this resolution. Berazam! Chaiyookk chiayook.. the clock won't stop ticking yo!
Second.. To move on.. this actually hit me while i babysit my lil groovy baby @ hospital. (another entry later) -- That i don't really move on.. I dunno.. Don't get me wrong.. I love Ted with all my heart.. And definitely with lil groovy baby is with us, i love both of them even more..
But.. *sigh* i dunno... i guess, what people said by 'first cut is the deepest' is true enough.. at least for me.. The story ended 5 years already, but sometime i still feel the pain.. Sometimes when i'm not occupied with anything i found myself travelling to the past... *sigh*
I know, i'm not being fair to Ted & baby.. it's not like i wanna be with that person anymore.. but, there's still "what-if" question back behind my conscious mind.. aiishhh.. It hit me really bad when we ended the story. My selfesteem is always low when i was still with this guy and after the break-up i still felt worthless..
So, now i really sure this is the time for to move on.. 1432H / 2011 is time for me to shove the "what-if" question behind, shut the door, lock it, throw the key away, and used the "obliviate" spell on me so that i won't remember the key and the memories...
Hey, u can judge me whatever you want. I tried this soo many times before.. but i dunno, maybe time heals kan.. so, it is the moment to move on... fuuhhh.. i know Ted would not read my blog, so i guess it is save for me to spell it out here.. huhuhu.. i need to spell it out in order for me to forget and move on.
I want to have my heart dedicated only for my beloved Ted & groovy lil baby.. (^_^)/ Chaiiyookk!!
Jadiknya... starting from today onwards.. Cut the fat out, and look forward! yeah! that'll be my motto for this year.. hahaha.. kite tengok sampai mane ianya bertahan.. hahah
Monday, December 6, 2010
Moving on...
Posted by groovy ally at Monday, December 06, 2010
Labels: +sharona words+
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