U think i can just sit here and watch... huh..
Yesterday ayu (my xschoolmate- and yeah.. we share the same homey-name) paid her debt. Yeay! so guess what? Today during lunch hour, i rushed through duke tembus sprint highway to the bookexcess @ amcorp mall. uurrghhh... niat dihati nak beli the christmas pack the gift by cecelia ahern + cathy kelly's past secret, mama's robert ludlum and 1 book for lil baby...
U think i can just sit here and watch... huh..
Yesterday ayu (my xschoolmate- and yeah.. we share the same homey-name) paid her debt. Yeay! so guess what? Today during lunch hour, i rushed through duke tembus sprint highway to the bookexcess @ amcorp mall. uurrghhh... niat dihati nak beli the christmas pack the gift by cecelia ahern + cathy kelly's past secret, mama's robert ludlum and 1 book for lil baby...

End up... the christmas pack + mama's robert ludlum + sidney shieldon + princess lesson for baby ++ committed by elizabeth gilbert (i shud not went to that bookexcess's pick). Huhu..
And now, i'm doomed if Ted found out. ;p i had 4 unread books remember?
To make it up, i bought him a month-to-a-view diary 2011. ;p
And now, i finally can be calmed whenever that bookexcess upload their december highlights. ;p
U know, i have this adrenalin rush since 11.45am. I could not focus on my work.. the e-mail networks gone down somemore.. adduuhhh.. by 12.30pm i was fidgetting at my table. by 12.50pm i literally ran down to get my car and drove fast. i mean, real fast. i used to drive @ 60km/h (hahaha.. laugh all u want, i'm that old.) ;) but just now, i drove 90 - 100km/h..
i jumped up & down throughout the store from shelf to shelf.. i didn't stop even for a second.. but came to think of that, perhaps it because i seriously need to go to the loo.. hahaha.. but plus the adrenalin rush plus the guilty feeling (and prayed that Ted would not call me while i'm at the shop).. no wonder the cashier look at me like i'm some kind of weirdo. hahaha..
I'll upload the pic later (it's a must!)
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