Thursday, January 6, 2011

Coming Soon..

Belum sempat nk citer psl ospital rhapsody 3, dah ade ospitak rhapsody 4..
So, am gonna update both story sekaligus senang... huhuhu..

tu dia.. last month baby, this month hubby.. aiyoh.. complete set.. mummy first then baby then hubby... lucky mummy masuk spital for giving birth to baby.. and hopefully mummy's turn will not come until much much much much later or never have to except for new adik for baby.. which will be in the next 2 or 3 years.. hehehe...
And i'm sure that i'm gonna put on some weight.. aritu masa jaga baby, i gained 2 kgs, baru hilang, pergi pulak east coast, naik balik 2 kgs, baru turun 200g dah kena babysit papanyer.. so, we'll wait for the outcome.. takpe makan lah mummy... nnti baru diet ok.. hahaha... baru 6 days of new year resolution, dah retak2 dah...

oh, i went to the gym last tuesday.. heheh.. at least that's a start for me right.. so, will have to push my butt later once Ted discharged from hospital...

Take care hubby.. huhu... bile rockstar masuk spital, baru die tau... hehehehh


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