Monday, January 3, 2011

Something new ;)

:) new gear for new year.. Hope to have a great year ahead!
(Ted pening, sumer pun nk pink ;p)

Satu perasaan yg sukar digambarkan bile kau bukak buku / organiser baru.. Selak first page.. Uhhh bau buku baru adalah sgt3 teruja smp rase cm nk nangis kalau bau huhu ;p menusuk ke kalbu..

It's the next best thing to smell after coffee aroma u smelled first thing in the morning.. Huhu (sbb tu bole duduk dlm kedai buku for 2hours dan keluar dgn wajah teruja ;p) dulu2 deting bolela ajak ted teman, now we have baby, tunggu baby besar bole bace pulakla teman mommy ok.. :)

Then the feeling menulis kat buku baru.. First page... Hmmmmm... Sangat best! Teringat dulu kalau sekolah first week tu kalau tulis kat buku baru mesti nk tengok page belakang smp mane kesan tulisan tu.. Hahaha...

Some people suke bau new handbag, new shoes, perfume anything.. But me, coffee n new books! Awesome-ness overloaded.. Haaha npk cam nerdy je eak.. Tapi xpandai cam nerd pun :(

Pagi td dtg dgn smangat baru nk tulis dlm buku baru.. Hehe.. ;p
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