Hurm... I've completed 2 games in 1 week! Yeah... I'm working everyday and I'm not even a 'game-a-holic'!!!
I always have dizzy when played games (in big screen) especially PS games... main harvest moon pun leh pening... but this time... fuhh!! cemanne ler leh sangkut pun tatau...
The only game i played before is Freecell/Solitare & Need For Speed (yg first edition nye kot?)...
It's all happened when wawa brought some games over to Gombak...
Game cari2 barang... It was fun... but sakit mate sbb kekadang barang tu kat tpt yg kita tak expect... ( it's supposed to, since the game was about searching for missing things).
Yg ni kena ada semangat berpasukan... It's all about team-work baby... hahahhaa...
Like that sweet wonder pet song (translated to BM) "Apa yang penting... Kerjasama... Apa yang penting... Kerjasama..."
Yang ni belum complete lagi... still in progress.. we have to complete few shops before we cud open our own shop... Wish me luck!
Then, on Monday nite... I've played Sally's Salon started at 10 pm until 2.30 am... hehehe...
mmg addicted giler! I've complete it in 1 nite and 1 lunch time... hehehehe... sorry bos..

Remember those time @ MMU... mase time tu Beta... duk' umah sewa... And we the housemate lawan NFS... mmg best giler... everyday after class, we all rushed home to beat the high score... hehehehe...
Now, i understand deeply how the Game-a-holic feel about games... hehehe... =P
Like... when Encik TED refused to sleep all nite just to play counter strike.... or.. when he ignored me completely whenever he played championship manager... huhhh... macam ni rupenye...
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