It's all happened in July when we all have to go for a trip to langkawi ~ untuk mengubat hati yang emo... Hahaha... punye nak layan emo... sampai ngan aku2 skali terjebak... pegi pulak dengan budak2... hurm... lagi la...

We went there with the local low cost air plane.. as it was a tambang murah flight, so i dun expect much.... just when i was about to switched off my mobile (already in my seat-terlupe tutup kat bawah), there was a call from HQ, and i mistakenly answered the call... and the flights wasn't even taxing yet... so nak taknak, i've to talk... takkanle dah jawab pastu nak tutup terus? i just wanna say that i'm on the plane and will call her back after landed at Langkawi...
then came this not-so-stewardess lady to me... " tak boleh pakai phone kat atas ni... kat bawah tadi patut dah off " alamak aiii... i dunno why she has to be so rude! why can't u just said it nicely... people make mistake, what... huhuuhh... or maybe she never wanted to be airasia stewardess but since she didn't making to MAS or even Singapore Air... so nak taknak she has to bare with it and threw all her anger to the passengers on every flight... hahahahah....

We were staying at Kampung Tok Senik... so expensive... but the house not so expensive-looks... berhabukk... dusty all over the counter... but other than that, mmg stylo giler... the scene was superb... ala2 kampung... behind our house there were sawah padi... u can't sleep longer here... u must be tido mati if u cud sleep up until 9... suasana die.. rase cam nak raye pun ade... pepagi dah dengar bunyi burung... the fresh air somemore... cool...

Then, we went to some of the 'hot' places in Langkawi... naik cable car yg menakutkan.... even though dah naik skyway kat genting... yg ni just hanging between the mountain... pehhh!! huuhuh... dahle nak pegi kat tpt yg jembatan bergantung tu sikit punya jauh.... perhaps 10 minutes walking one way... plus gelak2... mengah2 (nak balik kene naik tangga) lagi... fuhhh... kalau dok sini hari2 confirm leh kurus... ngehehehh...

Then, we went to some of the 'hot' places in Langkawi... naik cable car yg menakutkan.... even though dah naik skyway kat genting... yg ni just hanging between the mountain... pehhh!! huuhuh... dahle nak pegi kat tpt yg jembatan bergantung tu sikit punya jauh.... perhaps 10 minutes walking one way... plus gelak2... mengah2 (nak balik kene naik tangga) lagi... fuhhh... kalau dok sini hari2 confirm leh kurus... ngehehehh...
Then we went to take some pictures with the animals... Yg paling gua sadis skali amek gambo with the Eagle... waahhh... cam hebat kan... we have to pay RM 3 (i think so..) but all i did in the pics was crying!!! adduuuhhh... i can't look into his eyes.... even tho budak yg jage tu kate die jinak... when i look into his eyes... i can't fool myself and i cud see the true 'Eagle' in his eyes... seram... mesti eagle ni fikir "ape la sengal sgt budak ni"... and he keeps moving on my arms... adehhh... but at least... i hold it... syg tak dpt gambar cun! cheh!

And the best part was, we went to The Loaf - Our Tun M's bread store...

And the best part was, we went to The Loaf - Our Tun M's bread store...
The bread? All are nice & mouthwatering beb.. all those nice smell... and the cakes... Mmmm... Yum.. Yum... Mcm Yakitate! we tried some... tapi tak ingat name dah... yg ade smoke salmon & mushroom... yum3x... huhuhu...
And yupe that island hoping... and we had this stupid yet funny experience...

Kami dok kene ligan ngan monyet... i lost my m&m with character to them... klakar giler.. nini was the one who caused all this... she was supposed to throw the plastic bag (with our fresh from the store chocs) into the water.... yet, she was panic she threw it just 50 cm in front of her... and screaming.... luckily hafiz came into rescue and yelling at the monkeys... u shud be there.... i nearly chocked myself laughing crazily at them... hahaha... gilerr... i wonder how can monkey evolve in Langkawi... they can't see any plastic bags... i guess u can't even wear a designer bag with a "this is not a plastic bag" words on it.... huhuhuhu...
after some bruise, more laugh and my sis ended up in the water... finally, we survived "the temple of the ape..."

But all in all, this was the best vacation to Langkawi i had so far.... we went to langkawi for... i loss count already... yet, what we all usually do were shopping... 1 day sightseeing, eating gud meals... and 2 days for shopping... hehehhe... this time, we did it differently... Heh...

And before we left back to KL, we have this nice laksa & cendol... Pehh!! nape leh tak jumpe before that.... and of course... i put on more weight after this vacation... huhuhu...

That's the end of a trip with the theme: EMO...
p/s: dek... next time emo, kite wat trip jejauh sket keh!
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