Location: Gold Coast Australia
Date: 16 - 23 May 2008

This pic was taken by ME on our first day @ Gold Coast in front of our Apartment...
Cool eh? really looks like tourists eh...We went to the Hard Rock Surfer Paradise - Nice!

Look at the Fish & Chips! Kenyang giler!

A happy day @ Dream World...
- Nickleodeon world for the kids... Rugrat's Angelica, Dora the Explorer, Rugrats buddies and SpongeBob Square Pants & Patricks...
- The Ride - "The Claws" Phew!!! nearly wet my pants... If you look closely at the middle pic... u'll see me screaming like hell... Huhu....
- Animals - There are kangaroos bersepah2 and also some koalas there... ah! ade buaye gak... pehhh!! wombat pun ade... tazmanian devils pun ade... full of wild life...

(I think spongebob might be living in the sea way too long... he grows too many 'black heads' around his face... see that? Yuckie!) Lucky the show was fun! =)

Our thrill-day...
- BATWING SPACESHOT.. "4.5 G vertical launch up a 60 metre tower, followed by a drop into a breathtaking negative descent - beyond freefall!!!" (see me screaming my tounge out? hihihi) Mcm nak tercabut nyawa den! it's like riding our Selero shot @ Genting... except it's crazier... full speed up... full speed down... -we left our heart at the top- then we fetched our hearts back... full speed... then half speed down... half speed up... then... phewww.... waa... great scene from the above (heheh... time ni dah tinggal 1/3 tinggi dari bawah jer...)
- SCOOBY-DOO spookycoaster.. but we didn't take any picture coz it was dark in the ride... This ride is less crazier than BATWING, but more screaming as we ride in the dark and we even ride reversely-down the roller coaster... Huhuhuh...
- Photo-hunting... we went for photo-hunting with all the characters we ran into... we basically just ran & snaps... ran.. stop... snaps... "hey! there's batman!" run.... snaps! ahahaha... From marilyn monroe, cat woman, bugs bunny, Shrek...
we even took picture with that one 'Outback' man because he wore a costumes... hehehe...

A Wild-life day @ Paradise Country
- More wild life - we took picture with the koala... do u know that u can't speak loudly, can't touched the koala when he was sleeping... u can't even giggle when holding the koala... other wise he might dead because of a heart-attack... how small-hearted! hehehe... =P They also have the sheep shearing... The sheeps are all nice and cute!! except that one sheep... he 'sondol' me using his horn... sakit gile kaki guwe...
- 101 how to be a cowboy - there are shows on how to make a bread/tea.. but then... San Francisco Coffee are much better than the tea (Now i know why i don't wanna be a cowboy/cowgirl.. )

They also show us how to get milk from the cow.... yucks! but fun... the cow get mad when we keep on touching her breast... hahahahha... malu la tu...
After having lunch we went to Brisbane and check in at the Watermark Hotel.. We went for a walk and more 'photo-hunting' at the Brisbane Square..

First we stop at the so called R&R (where they have ettamongah pub & aussie world)...
- 2nd pit stop - The GingerBread Man factory... hehehe... CUTE! They show how to make ginger and of course... they have all types of ginger bread man...
- 3rd pit stop - Montyville.. It was so windy... breezy... Feels like we're a country girls living at the country side... siap ade apron tulis 'Desperate Housewive!'... Style...

Danger! Danger! Danger! Georgeous!!! And you know what... Irwin's daughter birthday is same as mine - 9th June!
- 4th pit stop - Australia Zoo... The Irwin's Home... Actually, we did stop here before the R&R... My sis mcm nak nangis coz she thought we are going to spend our whole day here... but.. we only stop here to drop some passenger who bought their travel tickets to the zoo and ride together on our bus...

But I'll come again some day... with my "Someone.." =)
Theme of the Vacation: Sisterhood - I learnt something about sister love in this journey.. =)
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