My fav astro channel would always be tlc, 711 (stwld) and afc.. Especially where the cooking show is on air... I secretly wish I have the gift to cook without learning...
One of the new cooking-gameshow @ 711 is masterchef us... I bet u all know bout the show already kan.. Hehe..
Uuhh.. I missed out the final of masterchef us @ astro this week, due to jalan-jalan carik makan vacation with familia.. Huhuh..
Everytime tgk judge diorang rase masakan.. Who do you think the most intimidating / psycho judge.. Heheh... Gordon ramsey the infamous judge/host of hell's kitchen (my fav show as well).. The cute chubby graham and the italian guy joe..
Gordon with his cursing lips.. Graham - cutey.. And joe.. Omg.. This guy is the most intimidating guy on planet.. First time watching the show, I paid extra attention to gordon.. But when it came to joe's turn to taste.. Goshhh.. The look! I always feel I wanna puke/vomit everytime waiting for his comment to say yes or no.. Urrgghh.. Macam aku pulak contestant.. Huhuhu... Maybe it's because he's italian n ade darah mafia dengan kepala botak die... It give me goosebump man!
Silent treatment is definitely more intimidating than cursing lips kn? Whaddaya say?
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Posted by groovy ally at Friday, December 31, 2010 0 comments
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Points to ponder...
Huhuhu.. Senario:
Jam 4.05pm, berjalan masuk ofis.. Aku tgh buat kronologi.. "Hi, ain.." Aku senyum... "Eh, ain pegi sal esok?" "Takde".. "Oh.. Patutla esok utk *** jer.." ............. Motif? Huhuhuhu
Akan jeleskah saya sbb xdpt pg sal esok... Huhuhu...
Huhu.. Bkn ni jer.. Byk kali2 lain.. Hehehe.. Ape patut aku jawab.. Most of the time.. I just let the cricket sang... Hehehehe... Perlu ke saya menangis sbb xdpt join meeting unit die... Heehehehe.. ;p
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.
Posted by groovy ally at Thursday, December 23, 2010 2 comments
Labels: +sharona words+
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
easily pleased
Huhu... I'm an easily pleased person... Hehehe.. Like Ted.. Whenever he wants to go out with his buddy, all he need to do was promised me to buy me some food when he gets home.. And as hard as I tried to sulk or pretend to sulk.. Everytime the word 'food' came out from his mouth, I grinned from ear to ear.. Hehehehh..
So tonite, he wanna go out fishing with abgbo... Huhu, as usual I buat2 tarik muke.. Hahaha.. N then.. He said the magic words "nnt balik I beli u oblong ok.." Dang! And I smiled.. Haha.. Pandai eak ngorat... ;p
So, En Ted.. Salah siape skarang ni... Hihihihihi... ;p
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.
Posted by groovy ally at Wednesday, December 22, 2010 0 comments
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
so much of new year resolution...
Hahahaha... i tell u what...
i guess, my diet / exercise program will be put on hold until 29/12.. heheheh...
So much of new year resolution, kan... baru berazam awal bulan... 3 week of the month dah put on hold.. haha..
but dun get me wrong.. with so many dine-out / vacation activities, there's no waayyy i'm gonna sit there and watch them eat.. while i'm eating my heart out and possibly crying seeing the delicious food infront of me.. (T_T)
Last weekend, we (in laws) all went to Klang for seafood.. so, my justification ~ seafood is okay compared to red-meat.. haha.. we went there on saturday nite.. so, the next day Ted & me went out cycling near our neighbourhood.. penat jugak naik beskal org besar.... hehehe...
Memang berbaloi la naik beskal hari ahad tu... makanan kat kelang memang superb... for 10 pax RM 266 jerr... uuuhhh... lazat! Ketam masak cili, ikan kerapu goreng 3 rase, ikan pari bakar, ikan tatau bakar, sotong masak sambal petai, udang goreng butter, tomyam... yummeyyy... we're supposed to go to melaka for ikan bakar umbai, on friday.. but my bro-in-law had lastminute outstation work, so we decided to sacrifice the melaka trip and went to klang instead. huhuhu...
Gym, dah more than 2 weeks tak jejak... since baby admitted to the hospital.. (T_T) Ted dah membebel, so, esok kena la pegi kite buat sauna dulu... ngehehehe... so, we decided that i'll continue with the gym.. But the timing tu kena adjust.. coz it quite exhausting to pick up my lil baby from babysitter's and sent her to mama's and go to gym then pick up baby from mama's then go back to home... which is : titiwangsa-setiawangsa-gombak-wangsawalk-gombak-up.
just FYI, Wangsawalk mall terletak ditengah-tengah antara gombak n uk pdane. in case u're wondering why i complaint so much.. ;p
On my defense: Now, i'm thinking kenape la tak letakkan gym tu kat gombak... excuses i know! ;p
Pastu, this weekend we (my family) will be heading to eastcoast for 5 days vacation until 29/12.. so, camne aku nak pegi gym kan... so, why not we just start it all over again on the new year itself.. tapi... new year orang cuti, mesti gym nak tutup... so, 2/1/2011 it is.. hahahaha... baru berangan nak jadi jessica alba.. nampaknye baju2 lama ku, lama lagilah kalian dalam kotak itu.. ;( Ted give me until June to be back to normal.. still got 6 months.. so, boleh lagi nih.. makan dulu later kite diet... hahahahah... takpe.. lagipun baby skang bukan leh decide pun nak suke mummy die gemuk ke kurus.. so, pasrah je dulu baby... on our birthday, mummy will be jessica.albalishly slim ok.. ;p wait for it..
Last weekend, mase lepak umah in-laws, Ted tunjuk bro-in-law's dragon balls' collection... huWaaaa.. teringat zaman muda... there's where i get my nickname : Majin from majinbuu.. monster yg suke makan ceklat.. tapi, disebabkan ted asyik perli cam budak2.. so i just borrow 1 dulu.. dah abeh bace pun.. nnti nak gi pulangkan and bace lagi yang lain... eheheh... best2.. dulu, beli tong-tong ngan member.. more that i pinjam member punya.. hahaha.. so, mmg takde koleksi. yang beli pun dah bagi orang.. teringat dulu mase start keja nak start beli all the collection.. but that time.. shoes & handbags lebih menarik perhatian ku.. hahaha..
Okie dah.. tu jer kot dulu.. i'll update after balik vacation with my family... yeay! another 3 days to go... pleaseee... i'm desperately in need of good time off from KL-kota metropolitan... yeay!
Posted by groovy ally at Tuesday, December 21, 2010 2 comments
Labels: "V" for Vacation, +Groovy in Gym+, +Groovy World+
Monday, December 13, 2010
Tribute to both my parents & parents-in-law
Pencil: I'm sorry....
Eraser: For what? You didn't do anything wrong.
Pencil: I'm sorry cos you get hurt because of me. Whenever I made a mistake, you're always there to erase it. But as you make my mistakes vanish, you lose a part of yourself. You get smaller and smaller each time.
Eraser: That's true. But I don't really mind. You see, I was made to do this. I was made to help
you whenever you do something wrong. Even though one day, I know I'll be gone and you'll replace me with a new one, I'm actually happy with my job. So please, stop worrying. I hate seeing you sad. :)
Parents are like the eraser whereas their children are the pencil. They're always there for their children, cleaning up their mistakes. Sometimes along the way... they get hurt, and become smaller (older, and eventually pass on). Though their children will eventually find someone new (spouse), but parents are still happy with what they do for their children, and will always hate seeing their precious ones worrying, or sad.
story copied from this blog
To mama, papa, ma & abah..
Thank you for teach us (me & ted) the right and wrong..
For being there for us, everytime we made mistakes these 28 years of life.
There's not a single second that i felt left alone whenever i'm stuck with problem & made mistakes, no matter small or huge the mistakes were.
We appreciate all the things you sacrificed for us. We love you all. (Though we never said this out loud, especially Ted, please do know that Ted always love all of you from bottom of his heart..)
Betul cakap mama before i was married (whenever she called me for asking my whereabout, and we always teased her that she always have to call me/us (adik bradik) like every 10minutes..) "esok, bile awak dah ade anak, barulah tau perasaan seorang mak/mama"
Yupe, that's true.. Now, i feel it myself. ;)
Posted by groovy ally at Monday, December 13, 2010 0 comments
Labels: +Groovy World+
Friday, December 10, 2010
U think i had enuff... think again...
U think i can just sit here and watch... huh..
Yesterday ayu (my xschoolmate- and yeah.. we share the same homey-name) paid her debt. Yeay! so guess what? Today during lunch hour, i rushed through duke tembus sprint highway to the bookexcess @ amcorp mall. uurrghhh... niat dihati nak beli the christmas pack the gift by cecelia ahern + cathy kelly's past secret, mama's robert ludlum and 1 book for lil baby...

End up... the christmas pack + mama's robert ludlum + sidney shieldon + princess lesson for baby ++ committed by elizabeth gilbert (i shud not went to that bookexcess's pick). Huhu..
And now, i'm doomed if Ted found out. ;p i had 4 unread books remember?
To make it up, i bought him a month-to-a-view diary 2011. ;p
And now, i finally can be calmed whenever that bookexcess upload their december highlights. ;p
U know, i have this adrenalin rush since 11.45am. I could not focus on my work.. the e-mail networks gone down somemore.. adduuhhh.. by 12.30pm i was fidgetting at my table. by 12.50pm i literally ran down to get my car and drove fast. i mean, real fast. i used to drive @ 60km/h (hahaha.. laugh all u want, i'm that old.) ;) but just now, i drove 90 - 100km/h..
i jumped up & down throughout the store from shelf to shelf.. i didn't stop even for a second.. but came to think of that, perhaps it because i seriously need to go to the loo.. hahaha.. but plus the adrenalin rush plus the guilty feeling (and prayed that Ted would not call me while i'm at the shop).. no wonder the cashier look at me like i'm some kind of weirdo. hahaha..
I'll upload the pic later (it's a must!)
Posted by groovy ally at Friday, December 10, 2010 0 comments
Labels: +Groovy Coffee n Books+
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Contemplated yet Happppeee
Haha.. see, told ya earlier. I have a very fickle mind. i'm like a lalang.. i get bored easily..
Now, i'm contemplating either to terminate my gym membership that we have bought a new bike.. yippey.. i don't have the photo right now. will share it later.
But, i've this wish to ride a bike since ever.. see my post here. hehe... teringat mase kat MMU dulu, i used to pinjam my housemate's bike to ride around our taman perumahan..
I'd tried to persuade Mama to buy a bike so that i can ride to the office since i started working. Siap dah plan, nak iron baju + mandi and everythingla. >> rejected.
Pastu bace plak blog this girl mmg suke naik beskal. waa.. best giler.
I nag to Ted to buy me a bike. Dicantas lagik..
Then, out of sudden last weekend Ted told me he wanted to ride a bike with his friend. Terus pegi kedai beskal, survey harge then esoknya beli. He told me, that this is a shared-bike. hahaha ok, fine with me. So, now i dun have to go to the gym la kan.. sebab initial plan i want to go to the gym is to join the bike class (which i still didn't join coz of timing. suke nau buat class time magrib. abeh instructor tu nak tolong semayangkan aku ke nanti.. haha.. class utk beginner stiap kamis @ 7.10pm. aiyyoohh.. nak masuk class yang lain mahu tercabut beskal tu nanti aku buat.. hu huhu)..
Beskal pun beli yang cikai jer.. bolehla.. ade kuase tukar2 dari ringan ke berat aku dah cukup happy walaupun semalam cuba naik dari rumah tnb smp ke apartment melur pun ade la dalam 10 kali berhenti.. tapi aku silap kat situ, sebab kayuh laju2 naik bukit.. sepatutnya kena slow n steady. haha... last2 smp dpn apartment tu ted turun keta ganti naik beskal smp ke apt kitorang. haha... takpe semangat.. berusaha.. nnti hari sabtu try lagik ;p
Hehe.. smlm dpt pegi tengok citer Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallow Part 1! Yippey!! Mmg bestlah! confirm kena beli dvd ni (tgklah yg dvdc*p* ke yg ori. haha..) dengan rase bersalah tinggalkan baby kat umah mama untuk pergi berhip hip horray.. huhu.. ;( dah la mase nak hantar tu baby nangis kuat gile sebab terantung mainan sendirik.. sampai nak pegi pun still dengar lagi die nangis.. wuuhhhuuu xpe, next year baby dah besar sket, mommy smuggle baby masuk dlm beg ok kite tgk sesame.. tapi baby kena behave la.. jgn nangis nanti kantoi. ;p
Citer die mmg beyond expectation lah kali.. bravo to the producer.. ;D best gilerr!! walaupun sepanjang citer tu ade je bunyi budak kecik borak, nangis, tanye soalan, yang baby kecik buat babbling pun ade.. haha.. but seriously, looking at the sexy hermione, handsome ron, mmg rase cam terlayar ke alam hp kejap.. hehehee.. best2 best2.. i never missed any of Harry Potter series.. so, this year, walaupun tak dpt tengok eclipse, tak dpt tengok citer denzel washington unstoppable aku pasrah.. tapi tidak when it comes to Harry Potter.. do or die.. haha.. ;p
Tapi, semalam tak dpt pegi dengan Ted. Walaupun telah menghasut sejak memule keluar panggung.. walaupun sehari sebelum semalam dah cakap hari ni nak pegi.. tapi bile die kuar kenyataan "kite tengok nanti eak" confirm mmg die taknak pegi.. memule cam emo jugak.. ohh dulu time dating, boleh je nak pegi tgk wayang ngan i.. die jawap "itu sbb nak dating" ;p haha.. then cubaan tarik muke masam.. hehe.. "i bagi duit beli buku nak?" "Nak. *senyum* ok, i pegi ngan adik jelah" hahahah mate duitan! ;p
Ted baru tau citer lagenda budak setan tu best.. orang skolah menengah dah bace dah.. hehe.. so, he made me go to the kinokuniya and buy him the 3 saga : Lagenda Budak Setan, Katerina & Kasyah Lagenda Berakhir.. Tapi, buku Kasyah takde. so, beli 2 jelah (ini pun aku nak explain kat sini).. haha.. Then, i bought 1 for myself: The Last Night at Chateau Marmont by Lauren Weisberger (the fourth book of the bestselling author of the Devil Wears Prada). Nak beli minishopaholic tabung tak penuh lagik.. huhu..
So, now sehingga 2 minggu from now, mungkin (read: Mungkin) aku akan kurang skit keresahan setiap kali tengok bookexcess upload gbr buku utk december highlight sebab i have 4 books awaits to be read.
Checklist bercuti ke Melaka / Gambang boleh tick 1 : Novel. hehehe ;)
Posted by groovy ally at Wednesday, December 08, 2010 0 comments
Labels: +Groovy Coffee n Books+, +Groovy World+, +Movie World+
Monday, December 6, 2010
Moving on...
Fuhh kiri... fuhh kanan...
Okie... dah awal muharam & next 3 weeks dah tahun 2011.. so, macam biase banyak orang talking about azam baru and etc...
Haha... selalunya azam tahun baru aku mesti hangat2 tahi ayam jer... selalunya setakat tulis dlm diary/blog jelah... Yelah, kan every year mesti gigih beli diary baru/organiser baru.. So, dapat je diary baru tu terus semangat nak tulis azam baru.. hik hik hik.. sudah nye masuk bulan febuari lupe dah ape azam tu tadi..
So, this year gonna make a realistic one.. heheh.. ;p
Ok, First... this resolution has been brought forward since-i-don't-know-when.. hahah the last time i was fit was in early 2007..
Jeng jeng jeng.. my ultimate resolution is: to be fit & healthy..
Hehe.. i have 15 extra kgs to be shed off.. So, i'm targeting by end of 2011, i'll be at least 12 kgs lighter than today as i making this resolution. Berazam! Chaiyookk chiayook.. the clock won't stop ticking yo!
Second.. To move on.. this actually hit me while i babysit my lil groovy baby @ hospital. (another entry later) -- That i don't really move on.. I dunno.. Don't get me wrong.. I love Ted with all my heart.. And definitely with lil groovy baby is with us, i love both of them even more..
But.. *sigh* i dunno... i guess, what people said by 'first cut is the deepest' is true enough.. at least for me.. The story ended 5 years already, but sometime i still feel the pain.. Sometimes when i'm not occupied with anything i found myself travelling to the past... *sigh*
I know, i'm not being fair to Ted & baby.. it's not like i wanna be with that person anymore.. but, there's still "what-if" question back behind my conscious mind.. aiishhh.. It hit me really bad when we ended the story. My selfesteem is always low when i was still with this guy and after the break-up i still felt worthless..
So, now i really sure this is the time for to move on.. 1432H / 2011 is time for me to shove the "what-if" question behind, shut the door, lock it, throw the key away, and used the "obliviate" spell on me so that i won't remember the key and the memories...
Hey, u can judge me whatever you want. I tried this soo many times before.. but i dunno, maybe time heals kan.. so, it is the moment to move on... fuuhhh.. i know Ted would not read my blog, so i guess it is save for me to spell it out here.. huhuhu.. i need to spell it out in order for me to forget and move on.
I want to have my heart dedicated only for my beloved Ted & groovy lil baby.. (^_^)/ Chaiiyookk!!
Jadiknya... starting from today onwards.. Cut the fat out, and look forward! yeah! that'll be my motto for this year.. hahaha.. kite tengok sampai mane ianya bertahan.. hahah
Posted by groovy ally at Monday, December 06, 2010 0 comments
Labels: +sharona words+