Hahaha... Iman dah selamat bermain at Tokma's hse.. Ted is tapauing lunch for us... N i'm alone in the hse.. jadinya.. bolehla nak online & upload UK's pic in FB. hehehe... sungguhla malas kan... nk uplod kat fb pun dh 2 bulan baru sempat... huhu... samelah dengan penceritaan kat sini yang nampak gayenya smp tahun depan baru leh habih... Kiki....
Saturday, December 31, 2011
I'm online on Weekend!
Posted by groovy ally at Saturday, December 31, 2011 0 comments
Labels: +sharona words+
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Travelling Blanket Going to UK..(Part 3) ~ Road Trip Day 1 & 2
Posted by groovy ally at Wednesday, December 28, 2011 0 comments
Labels: "V" for Vacation
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
U know what... i thot i managed to post entries on the UK trip this weekend... i'm so wrong.. hehehe...
Posted by groovy ally at Tuesday, December 27, 2011 0 comments
Labels: +Groovy Wifey+, +Groovy World+
Friday, December 23, 2011
Alhamdulillah... the 'thing' is nearing to the end.. InsyaAllah, Allah will help & guide me to get through this. :)
Luv this pic.. Iman smiling widely for the camera (of coz, it's her papa who took the pic :P)
Posted by groovy ally at Friday, December 23, 2011 0 comments
Labels: +Groovy World+
Monday, December 19, 2011
This is the worst December of my life.
I wish this December will be over so soon... :(
Posted by groovy ally at Monday, December 19, 2011 0 comments
Labels: +sharona words+
Monday, December 12, 2011
Posted by groovy ally at Monday, December 12, 2011 0 comments
Labels: +Groovy Wifey+, +TED Tales+
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Travelling Blanket Going to UK (Part 2) ~ The arrival & market day..
Posted by groovy ally at Wednesday, December 07, 2011 0 comments
Labels: "V" for Vacation, +Groovy Familia+
My bro in law will be getting married next year in June!

Posted by groovy ally at Wednesday, December 07, 2011 0 comments
Labels: +Groovy World+, +Quizzical Me+
Friday, December 2, 2011
Travelling Blanket Going to UK (Part 1.1) ~ 13-hours journey

Posted by groovy ally at Friday, December 02, 2011 0 comments
Labels: "V" for Vacation
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Tau Sepah (Maharaja Lawak) buat ape dengan duit kemenangan diorang tempoh hari?
Posted by groovy ally at Tuesday, November 22, 2011 0 comments
Labels: +Fun Facts+
Thursday, November 17, 2011
The Travelling Blanket Going to UK..(Part 1)
Hi there.. after quite so long.. baru ada semangat nak update on our recent vacation to UK... Well, we only visited England (most of the time at London) and to North Wales (Snowdonia etc).
Posted by groovy ally at Thursday, November 17, 2011 0 comments
Labels: "V" for Vacation, +Groovy Baby+, +Groovy Familia+
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Chicco Baby Carrier (i hope so)
Boleh pakai kat belakang (Like encang) or kat Depan (mcm dukung)

The amazing part is.. kalau kite letih nak carry baby, we can just put the carrier down and baby will be like sitting on a chair... Siap ade safety harness..
Posted by groovy ally at Tuesday, November 15, 2011 0 comments
Labels: +Fun Facts+
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Still need to Keep Calm & Carry On...
Huhu... i'm still need to Keep Calm & Carry On..
Not only once.. but i've loss count how many time that i need to chant these words before i bursted into tears... Damn! i really need to move on.. not only because i'd spent 18 days communication-less, but because i had enough with this 'thing'.. huhu :(
Really wish i'm currently at the 7-hours-later-place.. huhuu...
Ntah... now.. i basically don't have motivation to do anything..
Posted by groovy ally at Wednesday, November 09, 2011 2 comments
Labels: "V" for Vacation
Friday, October 28, 2011
Keep Calm & Carry On..
Posted by groovy ally at Friday, October 28, 2011 0 comments
Labels: "V" for Vacation
Thursday, October 6, 2011
2 days..
to go... but to tell the truth... tak sempat pun nak pikir nak berseronok...
huhuh (T_T)... hopefully by tomorrow dah menyeraplah aura keseronokan...
First time nak travel tapi tak rase ape2...
This week has been the most- tunggang terbalik, kelam kabut, upside down -week for me...
Dengan one of my team MC till Nov sbb operation, and another team EL hasben sakit, and another team kena pegi bg refreshment training iCP. Addoiii!!
So, for 2 days, i've been alone for my team... then, hopefully tomorrow 1 of my team will be here so that i can explain everything and memberi kata2 hikmat.. huwaaa...
in fact, this week alone, i've been crying twice! huwaa... tak taulah ape nak jadik ngan team aku next 3 weeks. hopefully they'll be doing fine.
Next week sorang je tinggal. 1 on site support, 1 mc.
Next week lagi.. 2 org (hopefully)
Next week lagi.. 1 tinggal. 1 cuti. 1 mc.
Nak taknak kena dtg jugak hari Jumaat tu.. aduhh.. if not, khamis dtg jugak tengok ape cer.. then jumaat cuti kalo tak larat... adoi.. tatau lah... dah la tengah critical nih... nangis skett...
Posted by groovy ally at Thursday, October 06, 2011 0 comments
Labels: +sharona words+
Monday, October 3, 2011
One hand...
Now.. Start counting with 1 hand please....
p/s: mood menenangkan diri...
Posted by groovy ally at Monday, October 03, 2011 0 comments
Labels: "V" for Vacation
Feeling Low..
hurm... not even 24hours after i was feeling high last week.. bummM!!! there i went feeling really low.. I don't know.. it was my biggest mistakes in years of working in this company..
Ntahlah... it's really my mistakes. i should checked first rather than follow anyone's said..
Pastu... rupanya.. what i did was wrong.. technically it was a good initiatives and i was taking the wrong route.. Lesson Learnt! Big Time! So.. i just be prepared if my monthly salary going to be cut off. :( I hope not.. urrgghh... this is so ugly..
What more, i'm only 3months here.. and now i made a huge mistakes...
I'll be on leave for 3 weeks next week.. arrgghh!!!
Adoii... i was in sleepless nite these 3 days.. ape aku merepek ni... aku tak tido malam 3 hari ni... huhu... end up kena migraine mlm tadi...
Tapi sbbkan aku dah wat salah... takleh nak MC pagi ni sbb kena gi jumpa boss..
Luckily... he's understanding, and i hope... seriously hope, he don't have a bad impression on me after this.. i have to work harder this time to prove myself..
Ahhh... i hate this feeling.
Dahla nak g cuti... uurrgghh..
Alhamdulillah, i managed to get through half of today (the most hated monday of all :( )...
Hopefully, after this.. i can use my brain wisely...
Wake up majin!
Posted by groovy ally at Monday, October 03, 2011 0 comments
Labels: +sharona words+
Friday, September 30, 2011
Senyum jap...
Senyum sket tengok atas tu... kat blog header... it just another 1 week + 1 day to go... wuuhhuuu...
Actually.. by right it only 1 week je tak smp +1 day.. haha... sbb.. Jumaat next week.. balik kul 5pm (kena sharp) pastu gedebak gedebuk.. kul 8 nak gerak turun Keramat.. Salam2 lepak2 maybe makan2.. pastu gerak g Gombak pulak.. most prolly around 10 - 11pm... then.. tido.. kul 4 pagi bangun.. mandi2.. pastu siapkan brg2.. kul 6 gerak g LCCT.. huhu... pastu 9 lebih dah naik flight... heheh.. confirm! tido sepanjang perjalanan.. or wake up just once or twice.. & confirm jugak lil iman akan tido (hopefully!) hehe...
13 hours on the flight.. uurggghh... i can't imagine. dengan iman yang baru dpt kaki & tak takut orang... of course sibuk nk jln2 lari2 or usik orang.. huu.. adehh... xleh byg...
Hehe... but.. before that.. byk keje kena settle!!! Arggahhh.. mari gigit meja.. hehehe... tensi2..
tapi, kalau nak tangguh tatau bile nak buat.. baik settle before pergi & boleh tenang sket time pergi.. huhu.. hopefully lah.. but then, maybe jugak i'll be unreachable. haha.. kejam! kesian org kat sini.. iskk... minta2 takde paper... hehehe
Posted by groovy ally at Friday, September 30, 2011 0 comments
Labels: +Groovy World+
Monday, September 26, 2011
Whenever i feel like reading... but don't have a book with me..
i just read this..
It's my comfort reading....
Can't wait for October to come... so, i can start counting with 1 hand.. :P
Ya Allah.. please give me strength to get through these 2 weeks...
Only 12 days to go.. and i'm not here anymore... hihihi
I know i always said something stupid... without thinking wisely... :(
and now.. i dunno how to say how much i regret whatever i said and i never meant it...
Why we always hurt people we love the most... tsskkk... pleaselaa majin.. grow up already!
Posted by groovy ally at Monday, September 26, 2011 0 comments
Labels: +sharona words+
Monday, September 12, 2011
Who's Didi?
No.. it's not daddy.. heheh...
But it's mummy... hahehehe... klakar kan..
at first i was wondering maybe die ikut zahira panggil daddy ke ape...
tapi hari sabtu tu die kejut bgn.. memule.. die panggil "didi... didi.." ingt die kejut papa... tapi pastu die g tepuk kejut papa.. "papa.. papa".. pastu tak berjaya...
die pusing balik kat mummy... tepuk2.. "didi..didi".. hehehe kiut!!
Pastu mase kat open house wema...die dok main2 kat depan, mummy jadi anak solehah duk kat dapur.. haha... pastu bile dah penat main.. nak susu die bising... auntie ngn ute carik mummy...
nampak je mummy... "Diiiddiiii"... (T_T)'
Haihh.. punyelah anak bapak... sampai mummy pun dipanggil didi.. ;p
Skarang banyak dah words yang die boleh cakap...:
- Tutu : Susu
- kalau kite cakap "One..." automatic ckp "Two"
- Harloww - Hello (mcm british sket...) ;p
- Salam.. - Assalamualaikum/waalaikummussalam
- Cat - any animals.. hehe Car pun jadik cat jugak...
- Aaaamm - Alhamdulillah (lps sedawa)
- Anything fascinate her : Wwwuuuuuuu...
- Kalau pegang buku / anything bertulis : "A...."
- Ikut nyanyi kat radio..heheh.. atau ape2 yang mummy /papa nyanyi
- Muaahhh - Kiss tapi tak reti kiss. so, die suakan mulut die nganga kat mana2 yg kite suruh kiss. kdg2 kalau geram die gigit skali.. hahaha
Aiisshhh... ngada2 dah skarang.. smp papa die dah cakap... "Iman ni ngada-ngada ni.. tunggulah awak dpt adik besok takde can dah...."
("_") adehh... rase2 cam xsempat tunggu 5tahun je nieh... hehehe ;p
Posted by groovy ally at Monday, September 12, 2011 0 comments
Labels: +Groovy Baby+
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Citer Hari Ni
Ni adelah kali ke 3 aku lawat toilet opis, and officially kali ke 5 aku lawat toilet termasuk kat umah...
Perasaan? Letih... tapi aku tak berani nak blah... sbb bukannye ape pun... rase cam takdele dehydrated lagi... takpe tahan dulu... kalu tak tahan sgt kang aku cabut... hahahaha
hari ni dah la masuk tak productive langsung...
dari pagi takleh bukak email, call org itd die buat remote apetah panggil..
pastu sakit perut pulak kejap2 g toilet.
pastu nak kene arrange balik personal folder kat e0maill...
Kalo dulu umah sekangkang kera siap aku boleh lari balik umah nak g toilet... skang tak lagi... huhuhu.. too bad ;( pegi naik motor... kang kalo aku nak balik bukan aku reti bwk.. naik lrt dah satu keje pulak aku nak naik teksi (bas susah dpt) nak balik umah keramat amek kete baru balik.. huhuhu...
Tulah... u got something, u lose something...
I miss my old team.. i miss my old office...
I miss having my own sweet time thinking nothing at nite...
Arrghhh I miss my old self..
I'm still merangkak rangkak sambil menangis di tepian right now..
I dunno what i've been thinking before.. haha...
Ntahlah... Bukan tak bersyukur.. Alhamdulillah kepada nikmat Allah... cuma i'm still at the adjusting period... nak tukar mind set gua.. nak tukar perasaan berdebar bile discuss dengan agm/gm... ahhh..
Penah rase cam nak benti keje and bukak nursery... tapi kang kalo budak2 memekak ade yg kena libas ngan aku... huhu... sungguh tak sesuaii..
Pastu rase nak bukak cafe siap ade buku2.. wahh style!
tapi aku tau masak aper? megi ngn spagetti je boleh le...
kek sumer hampeh... dah la kalo nak amek order skang mahal.. hahaha
Itulah... suke sgt tengok rumput kat sane tu hijau sangat... padehal hijau die rumput karpet.. chaihh!! hahahaha...
anyways, it's challenging, i just need to find myself and fine my tune.. hehe..
Wish me luck...
Owwhhh... lagi 31 hari nak pegi jalan2.. yeayyy!!!
And another 31days to lose 10kgs.. sempat ker??
Posted by groovy ally at Wednesday, September 07, 2011 0 comments
Labels: +Groovy World+, +sharona words+
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Water Power
huhuhu... air.. water.. mmg keperluan nombor satu dlm hidup kite.. kan? okie...
same goes to mandi..
kalo pepagi bgn Xmandi.. cube rase cmne bdn kiter... huhu... but2 keje rumah.. pastu take a shower... waaaahhh.. segar terus rase.. sakit pala sumer hilang...
kalo malam2.. balik keje penat2... cuba terus tido.. cube pulak mandi dulu pastu bedak2 pastu tido... pehh.. sedar2 dah nk kena bgn sahur...
hehe.. kesimpulannyer... marilah mandi sbb mandi tu best! :D
Posted by groovy ally at Sunday, August 21, 2011 0 comments
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Cubit Kang!!
Huhu... I dun know if she's really that cute or it's just my parental nerves kicking in... ehehe...
But i believe, every parents out there felt the same way too.. right?
Especially bila die dah pandai membebel... tengah2 nak bertatih nak pandai jalan ni... EEiii...
Okie.. Here's some latest pic of my groovy baby... enjoy :)
Last Sunday... strolling/walking @ Lake Garden.. (Dah best rupenye tasik ni skarang..)

Spotted: benjol kat dahi... budak bijak! main atas kerusi dengan muka smug last2 jatuh.. ;p

I'm the BOSS! d previous week, teman papa pegi opis..

First Cinema Nite! @ Wangsa Walk Mall.. tengok harry potter and the Deathly Hallow... :D
Posted by groovy ally at Tuesday, July 26, 2011 0 comments
Labels: +Groovy Baby+
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Groovy Baby is ONE! (part 1)
Hey there...
Lil groovy baby is ONE already! Yeayy!!! Cheer!!
Baby's birthday was on 27 June 2011, but since it was on Monday... so, we decided to have in on the following Saturday which was on 2nd July 2011. ;)
But... before that... on the 25th Wema telah membelanje baby cake birthday sekali masa buat kenduri doa selamat (for my sis & i promotion, nini's pay raise, wani & wawa's interviews) & tahlil. Alhamdulillah, nampaknya bulan June ni kami satu family dapat rezeki lebih.. ;)
Location: KFC Setiwangsa
Date & Time: 2 July 2011 @ 3pm
Overall it was a fun fun day! Our guests are only both of our families. Heheh... And since we're very close with my aunt - Mamacik (Mama's only sis). We had them joined in together...
Firstly, that morning there was a lil chaos... biaselah.. last minit punye cerita. hehe...
Then, my side of families were there already before we arrived.. aisshhh... apedaa organiser sampai lambat (chet..) huhu...
Then, lepas his family arrived, we started to p.a.r.t.y... Hehehe..
We had the cake cutting first...
To be honest.. (hehe) i spent every evening the week before litterally taught my baby to be delightful or happy when listening to "Happy Birthday To You". This is due to the reason she kinda curiously looking at her cake when we sang her HBTY on the 25th (at Wema's).
Every everning & night for that particular week, i sang her HBTY and she'd clapped her hands happily... hehehe... so, nanti bile ramai2 nyanyi lagu HBTY die mesti happy (that was what was on my mind)..
Hehe... came that day.. She's sleepy.. Heheheh... and curious for everyone (from both families) were there and 'bising' (as usual)...
See.. ngantuk & pandang jerr sumer orang nyanyi HBTY... hehehe...
pastu, potong cake... time ni baby barulah cam happy sket... itupun tak senyum sgt... hehehe
Abeh je potong cake... terus melekap balik... adeeiii... takpe, there'll be many years for us to practise kan baby... heheh ;P
Lepas tu ade game2... tapi nanti kita update next entry okie...
Happy Birthday My Shweet Lil Groovy Baby =)
Mommy loves you.. And your papa too.. Happy birthday to you.. You're so sweet u do... ;)
Posted by groovy ally at Saturday, July 09, 2011 0 comments
Labels: +Groovy Baby+